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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2010
I noticed that the unread email badge on the mail app is really slow to update when I read mail from my iMac or iPad. It will show unread emails for quite a long time until I open up mail on my iPhone and then it clears. However when I read the mail first from the phone the message gets marked as read or deleted instantly on the iMac. I am just curious as to why it is so slow updating to the phone and not from the phone if that makes sense. I am coming from Google active sync and the badge count got updated so much faster with it.


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2009
I noticed that the unread email badge on the mail app is really slow to update when I read mail from my iMac or iPad. It will show unread emails for quite a long time until I open up mail on my iPhone and then it clears. However when I read the mail first from the phone the message gets marked as read or deleted instantly on the iMac. I am just curious as to why it is so slow updating to the phone and not from the phone if that makes sense. I am coming from Google active sync and the badge count got updated so much faster with it.

Same here. Answer anyone?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 24, 2010
I switched back to Google and the badge clears almost instantly going both ways. I just wanted to finally try MobileMe and see what it was all about. I can't see continuing on after my trial is up when Google does the same thing better and for free. So before I totally give up on MM I just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong or maybe the service has just been flaky lately. There must be a reason people pay for MM right?


macrumors regular
Jun 22, 2009
I switched back to Google and the badge clears almost instantly going both ways. I just wanted to finally try MobileMe and see what it was all about. I can't see continuing on after my trial is up when Google does the same thing better and for free. So before I totally give up on MM I just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong or maybe the service has just been flaky lately. There must be a reason people pay for MM right?

I skipped the trial (for complicated reasons) and am thinking that wasn’t a great idea. The whole mobileme thing seems shady, like a scam. And I'm hesitant to transfer everything to that email, and then lose access in a year if I can't pay or something.


macrumors 65816
Nov 11, 2008
The badge count on iDevices only get updated when a new event is pushed to mail.

The read status of an email is not pushed to iDevices. Only on the mac gets mail pushed and pulled.

It's been this way since day the launch of MobileMe.

I can only assume this is to save battery by disabling the amount of pushes.

MobileMe is great. To me the only 2 things that need to be added are: Updated mail badge counts and Calender Invites.
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