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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 1, 2015
My (Australian) phone provider, Telechoice, is claiming that my 3G iPhone 4s has used almost 1.5GB of data in 27 minutes. Is that actually possible? What's the max throughput on a 3G iPhone?

I'm especially skeptical because the time that they think I used this data, I was at home with my wifi network. I'm 100% confident that my wifi didn't drop out for a whole 27 minutes at the same time that my phone randomly decided to use 1.5GB of data (when that's more than I'd usually use in a month).

My own phone history shows that I updated one small app and visited 2-3 website all day. That's all.

Can you think of a rational explanation for all this?

Thanks in advance.
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