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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 27, 2009
United States
Hey guys,

I have an iPhone 6 that has started to experience some battery issues (drains really quick, phone ends up dying arbitrary around 10-30% ). So I think I need to replace the battery (please let me know if I'm wrong about this).

If I do it through Apple, would they restore / update my phone to the latest iOS? Alternatively, I could replace it myself, which should have no impact on the OS, right?

If I go through Apple, I'd obviously have to use Cydia Eraser and unjailbreak it. Anyone dealt with servicing their Phone / replacing battery w/ a jailbreak?



macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Hey guys,

I have an iPhone 6 that has started to experience some battery issues (drains really quick, phone ends up dying arbitrary around 10-30% ). So I think I need to replace the battery (please let me know if I'm wrong about this).

If I do it through Apple, would they restore / update my phone to the latest iOS? Alternatively, I could replace it myself, which should have no impact on the OS, right?

If I go through Apple, I'd obviously have to use Cydia Eraser and unjailbreak it. Anyone dealt with servicing their Phone / replacing battery w/ a jailbreak?

No idea what your battery issue may be, but Apple's policy on jailbroken devices changed about 2.5 years ago. They have to prove your jailbreak caused the problem now before denying you service.

The MOST they can do is ask you to restore before working on your device. And you can decline to do so if you wish before they do anything. So, approaching them is up to you.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 27, 2009
United States
No idea what your battery issue may be, but Apple's policy on jailbroken devices changed about 2.5 years ago. They have to prove your jailbreak caused the problem now before denying you service.

The MOST they can do is ask you to restore before working on your device. And you can decline to do so if you wish before they do anything. So, approaching them is up to you.

The battery is just old. I was simply wondering whether Apple would restore / update my iPhone to the latest iOS after the battery replacement. They always have you back things up and I have a feeling they will update it. I guess I can ask next time I'm at an Apple store.

Thanks for the input.


macrumors regular
Feb 9, 2008
Just in case: did you check your battery's health? The Battery Life app (Cydia) is pretty good. I thought my phone's battery sucked, but it turns out it was still like 87% original capacity, so I checked around and it was because my new office gets terrible cell service and my phone tries like crazy to keep signal. Airplane mode or working at home and no problems at all.
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