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macrumors 6502a
Oct 14, 2008
Geez, learn to take a joke. I was actually complimenting you for your humorous comment and not acting like a lunatic/freaking out about the size.

Well it is hard to read humor from time to time, I thought you were just being a male chauvinist pig! :D I am definitely not freaking out about side, just wish I could get my damn phone this Friday!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 13, 2008
Columbus, OH USA
I was at an AT&T Store yesterday and they already had cases for both the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus (interestingly enough they weren't labeled as iPhone 6 cases, but one of the store employees pointed out that they have colored dots on them to indicate which was for the 6 and the 6 Plus.) I held the 6 Plus case made by Pelican and yeah that sucker is pretty huge compared to my 5s.


macrumors 68030
May 25, 2010
Well it is hard to read humor from time to time, I thought you were just being a male chauvinist pig! :D I am definitely not freaking out about side, just wish I could get my damn phone this Friday!

No worries! I'm still convinced you have the best comment in this thread ha.

Just got my case in today, is it Friday yet?!


Feb 11, 2008
damn that pic of the phone in the shirt pocked makes it look ridiculous.

Friday cannot come soon enough. I really need to hold one to decide what to do with my pre-order.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2012
These posts don't affect me since I have to wait till around Thanksgiving to place my order or wait in line for an "unlocked" model!

But it nice to see how people can get worked up and go crazy! LOL!


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2012
Omg, that ip 6+ is the ugliest thing apple has ever made, so uuuugly:eek:

You mean the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus right because they both have the exact same design except one is bigger than the other :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502
Mar 12, 2014
I see people asking bout what's the ram or the benchmark speed? Does it really matter? Since the iphone 4S and 5/5S I just don't think phones can get much faster right now on my 5S it does everything super quick.

When the iphone 6 plus was announced I was excited for the larger screen couldn't care about it's specs cause iPhones are really fast and snappy compared to my experience with android.

Got my carrier sending me a silver iphone 6 plus 16gb can't wait.

And just about that pic why would anyone carry their phone in their shirt pocket? Not the safest spot to have ur phone. My phone is always in my pocket on it's own (it doesn't share my pocket with keys or wallet lol) when I ain't using it. Or on my desk at work.


macrumors 68020
Jul 22, 2002
It's clearly a mockup running Android, I mean just look at those bezels.

The next law suit!

And just about that pic why would anyone carry their phone in their shirt pocket? Not the safest spot to have ur phone. My phone is always in my pocket on it's own (it doesn't share my pocket with keys or wallet lol) when I ain't using it. Or on my desk at work.

I think it was just to show it would fit, got a orange OtterBox cover on mine to keep it safe and usually when out it's in a belt pouch. Why do so many guys carry there phone with their keys and wallet, they invented pockets for a reason people!

I think the 5.5 is probably a bit big for daily use, but for my money it's the one I'd want. Can't wait to see them in store and compare the size to my 5s.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2012
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Models Popping Up in China, Vietnam Ahead of September 19...

The phone in the shirt pocket looks huge. HUGE!

Of course it would look huge in a shirt pocket. The iPhone 6 would stick out as well in a shirt pocket.


macrumors 65816
Feb 6, 2009
Melbourne Australia
I never keep my phone in a shirt pocket, i always use my jeans pocket. I have always been wanting a large screen phone and felt limited on the current iPhone display.

Its great to know that Apple are listening to their customers, and I am happy to give the 5.5' a trail run for a year, given my telco company has offered me a free iPhone next year upon returning my iPhone 6 plus. I am sure after time it is something I will become used to, and I'am sure after using the phone 6 plus, I will never go back to smaller screen.


Mar 21, 2011
oh ya ... sure, the average person has pockets *that* big :p

What if you don't wear a collared shirt ?


macrumors 6502a
Sep 15, 2014
I don't think you'll be happy when it has 1gb of ram just like the 4.7 model.

It was going to be more of icing towards the cake, I'll be happy nevertheless trust me on that. ;)
Though I still can't decide for 6 or 6 Plus, would be jumping from the trusted 4s over the years, definitely need to check one out at the store.


macrumors newbie
Sep 16, 2014
The group I work with has a mix of Note 3, Motorola somethings, iPhone 5s, and Galaxy 3 or 4 or whatever. Two of the three guys that had the Notes have had a lot of trouble with poor reception. So much so that one guy gave up and started using his personal 5s for work. And one of the Motorolas won't even last nearly a day on the battery now and the other guy has to reboot often because it loses connectivity. Unless the Note 4 is vastly improved, you may want to consider something else.

Two words: Removable battery :cool:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2009
I got the case for my 6 in the mail yesterday, and I thought it was a little bigger than I was expecting. I can't imagine the 6+, that really is going to be huge.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 9, 2009

Two words: Removable battery :cool:

You are correct. Those guys do have to pull their batteries from time to time to get their phones to pick up wifi or because they are having some major issue. I used to have to do that alot on my Droid Maxx. :eek:


Jan 28, 2010
OK, guys, the iPhone 6+ is NOT meant to be used with one hand. Let's let that go. Apple added that shrinking feature as a stop gap, because they knew people would about one-handed use after they made a huge deal of it with iPhone 5.

I know that big screen phones are new to you, but certainly an adjustment in mindset is required from what I can see in the comments here.

The 6+ is a more "pocketable" iPad, really. A true "in-between" device.

And that is absolutely great (for those that prefer iOS). Why complain about more choices?

That said, my wife replaced her iPad/iPhone 4s combo with a Note 3 about a year ago and has not looked back. She loves the (internally stored) stylus, customization options, etc. She uses and loves most, if not all of these features:

So for her, and I assume many Note 3/4 users, swinging back into the Apple fold may not be as simple as many make it sound here, larger screen notwithstanding. Once you fragment your environment and see what's out there, reintegrating becomes limited in comparison. She lost little, but gained a lot.

Now don't flame me too much; I'm not trolling, just calling it like it is in my household (former all Apple environment).


So where do you put it? A holster?

-please tell me you don't-

I love a good holster. Easy access, convenient when wearing quick-dry pants at the beach, and easily concealed with a tucked-out shirt if necessary.

Where else to put it? On a chain around your neck like the One Ring? :p

If you're female, a nice clutch should do the trick, or so my wife says. ;)
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