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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2016

I juste released a tiny desktop app (for macOS and Windows) to live check the iPhone availabilities.
You can download it there:
Just unzip and run ("iPhone" on macOS - "iPhone Notifier.exe" file on Windows).

I originally made it for me (3 weeks ago) as I wanted my 7 Plus Jet Black ASAP. :)
But this kind of utility may also be useful to some other people and having free time yesterday, I also added all the possible countries, Apple stores and iPhone models.

So the principle is simple: after selecting the iPhone model and the place you want to pick it up, the app continuously checks the availability. When your iPhone is detected as reservable, you get a system notification and a new tab is opened in your default browser, on the Apple's website, in the middle of the reservation procedure. Normally, you'll be requested your Apple ID and you can finally validate your reservation.

It was tested on macOS 11.12 and Windows 7 SP1, but if you have questions, don't hesitate. :)

Have a nice day !
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