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Liam Steven

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 9, 2012

I have a load of music I ripped from CDs but I cannot sync them to my iPhone.

I have added them to my iTunes library on my MacBook but when I connect my iPhone and go into its properties the option to sync music doesn't show, it just says "iCloud Music Library is on" and when I sync the music doesn't appear on the iPhone

I tried doing this a few months ago and I ended up wiping my iCloud music and literally lost my whole music library on all devices.

Does anyone know how I can get this music over?

Any help appreciated!


macrumors 68020
Sep 25, 2009
Orlando, FL
I go through this nonsense every year when I get a new phone. I don’t know why Apple has turned Apple Music/iCloud Music/iTunes into such a bloated mess of a system and it’s infuriating.

What I’ve done before is turn off iCloud Music. Then I sync the library on my computer to the iPhone. Once that’s finished and I verify my old music is on my device, I turn on iCloud Music and tell it to merge the libraries.

I think the way it’s supposed to work is for your old MP3 files to get uploaded to iCloud and then pushed to your iPhone but that’s always resulted in me getting only SOME of my music and not my entire library.

Hopefully this helps a little bit. But to be extra safe, make sure to backup your library first in case you accidentally wipe out anything.
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now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
Don't use iTunes or iCloud anything.
Just copy them over to your iPhone from your Mac (doing it from your iPhone connected to your Mac via wifi) and copy the music files to another 3rd party music app. Don't use Apple Music.
 seems to have gone out of its way to make something that should be very easy as difficult or complicated as possible. It's intentional. They're trying to discourage their users from dong what you want to do. They want everyone to pay a monthly subscription fee to Apple Music and not owning any of it
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