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Omega Mac

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 16, 2013
Is there a good battery performance chart or resource chart or site out there that helps with choosing an iPhone based on best battery performance?

One of the more important key metrics and with so many model since FaceID I've lost track what the good and bad battery performers.

+ personal recommendations and anecdotes welcome too.

This is in the context of looking to move from an 8 Plus model close to EOL!

Thanking one and all in advance.


macrumors newbie
Oct 14, 2023
Best battery life is always a fascinating topic for me.

Depending on your budget and usage case, the best options are, IMHO, the iPhone 13 pro max and the iPhone 14 plus. Those are the ones that I tried with the best battery life. Probably the 15 plus is also a good one.

In extreme situations, if you pick one of those and slap an official magsafe battery (with both at 100% of charge) you can go easily for more than 2 days in my experience (as a light user).

Hope It helps.
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macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2022
From what I have seen in battery tests:
1. iPhone 15 Plus
2. iPhone 15 Pro Max
3. iPhone 15
4. iPhone 15 Pro

So go for the iPhone 15 Plus if you want the best possible battery.

Definitely avoid the iPhone 15 Pro as that one is the worst.
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now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
There’s lots of complaints about the 14 series. Maybe a bad batch of batteries.
Always the largest model (Pro Max) has the longest run time because the battery is proportionally larger.
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macrumors newbie
Oct 6, 2016
i dont know what to think. here are users on the board which say batterylife on the 15pro is fine others say its inferior.
i have currently a iphone 12 and i hope that the 15pro will last a little bit longer. or is it euqlly bad?
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macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
The 15 Plus for sure. Reviews will differ a bit because not everyone uses zero cycle batteries for comparison. But the converging evidence is iPhone 15 Plus wins by a mile.

The Pro/Max models ramp to 120Hz so battery life is negatively affected.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2006
IMHO, just use Apple’s own ‘up to’ SOT specs to gauge relative battery performance between various models. Then it’s up to you to learn and utilize all the tools Apple (thankfully) does provide to find the best balance between features vs batt efficiency, including options for automated custom charge optimizations to extend batt service life. My normal usage is admittedly unusually efficient (most wifi and lite apps), but I’ve always been able to achieve Apple’s ‘up to’ SOT spec, and with service lives that outlasts Apple’s iOS-support (ie, 6+yrs). YMMV of course.
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