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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 13, 2019
I bought a new iPhone SE 2022 in July. Around the same time, I switched to T-Mobile so that I could get service overseas. I was disappointed in the strength of the signal overseas, but glad to have the ability to stay connected. Since returning, I am continually having issues when talking on the phone. My friends tell me that they can't hear me, or that the signal is going in and out. Clear one second, gone the next. I feel like I'm reenacting that old commercial, saying, "Can you hear me now?" every 5 seconds. I've been assuming that it's a T-Mobile issue, but all of my friends who have T-Mobile (and live in the same area) claim that they don't have any issues. I'm starting to wonder if it's a problem with the iPhone. Has anyone experienced similar issues with cell service? If I take it to the Apple store, do you think that there is any way that they could check the reception on the phone? I assume that there isn't a test that they can run, but one can hope... FWIW, I have my phone set to use 5G all of the time.

Thanks in advance for any advice!
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