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Project Alice

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Post Falls, ID
About 30 min ago, my phone stopped accepting my fingerprint. Sometimes it happens a couple times and I just use the passcode, relock it and it works.
This time that didn’t work. I’ve rebooted multiple times, I even shut it off, removed it from the case to clean it. After cleaning it worked for about 1 minute, but now it doesn’t work again.

Also, it seems that attempting to use touch ID to unlock it opens the wallet, and seems to make it think I’m pressing the button like 100 times.

Should I take it in? According to the Apple support app there are no available reservations anywhere for over a week.
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Juicy Box

macrumors 604
Sep 23, 2014
I would relearn your print again. I noticed that I have a better experience with Touch ID if I save the same finger more than once. What I mean, you can have multiple finger prints stored on your iPhone, just save the same finger twice or even a third time.

If you redo your finger print, but still have the issue again, I would open a ticket with Apple Support.
Also, deleted your current print since it is not working.
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now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
I've had to te-register a finger print several times over the years when it starts to get flakey. Always has fixed it.
My 2nd registered finger print is actually my other hand's thumb print and that print for some reason is always unreliable. Lots of login fails when using my thumb no matter how many times I set it up.

Project Alice

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 13, 2008
Post Falls, ID
It started working again the next morning.. So idk. I'm gonna keep an eye on it. I bought AppleCare+ so, if this continues I should be safe.
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