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macrumors 68020
Nov 4, 2009
London, UK
They should’ve included at least a 12w charger. The measly charger they include now is worthless.

I was fully expecting AirPods to help the price. And the market is saying it’s too high.

They are in stock globally in every config 6 weeks after launch- this is not normal. Hopefully, a lesson for Apple that their greed will only be accepted by the die hard fans.


macrumors 68020
Sep 24, 2014
What extra money. It is about 200.00 more than my 6s Plus from over 2 years ago with better technology/features. So, throw in a 160.00 set of AirPods and be not much more than the 2+ year old 6s Plus. Not sure too many here have ever ran a business. I wouldn't disagree with the 29w charger.
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macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 11, 2014
I would have preferred they include a new BMW with CarPlay
But I bought one just the same

That would be unreasonable haha.

Does anyone feel like AirPods and/or a wireless charger is unreasonable and think they should pay more to get it?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2014
They are in stock globally in every config 6 weeks after launch- this is not normal. Hopefully, a lesson for Apple that their greed will only be accepted by the die hard fans.
And why is it not normal ? This has been the case for some previous iPhone models too and other times you could get the latest iPhone day one even if you didn’t preordered.

Don’t worry for them they are perfectly fine and are probably selling a lot of iPhone X as we speak.
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macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 11, 2014
Yes, that is the point of my post... it is unreasonable

Ok so you’re happy not getting the AirPods or wireless charger and enjoy paying extra?

Some might see it as the right thing to do idk. Just curious what people who spent 999+ on a phone think about the lack of accessories.
[doublepost=1513817259][/doublepost]Is there anyone who would have NOT preferred more accessories?


Jul 12, 2016
Does anyone feel like AirPods and/or a wireless charger is unreasonable and think they should pay more to get it?

Apple is in position to make money. Not everyone wants the Airpods and even if they did include them, it Would inflate the price of the iPhone. I had no issue paying for the Airpods separately.

The Airpods are like the Apple Watch, it's an entirely separate Product in their hardware line.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Apr 11, 2014
They should have included a brand new Maserati.

Silly nonsense. They offer a phone for sale at a price. If you think the price is too high, buy a lower cost phone.

The phone is priced higher but what about accessories?
[doublepost=1513817395][/doublepost]So basically from what I gather few people would’ve been unhappy to get the AirPods or wireless charger but don’t mind paying more for it?

Fair enough.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2010
The phone is priced higher for a number of legitimate reasons, and expecting bundled AirPods or wireless charger is hoping for something that just won’t happen. I enjoy getting more for my dollar, but I am ok with having to buy AirPods as an additional item.

Including a 12V charger is a reasonable expectation, though. That does feel like unnecessary cost-cutting.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
Ok so you’re happy not getting the AirPods or wireless charger and enjoy paying extra?

Some might see it as the right thing to do idk. Just curious what people who spent 999+ on a phone think about the lack of accessories.
[doublepost=1513817259][/doublepost]Is there anyone who would have NOT preferred more accessories?

Your premise is flawed
Of course everyone would like to have extras
But you are posturing that the iPhone X is totally overpriced and Apple is charging extra for nothing
And that we are happy to pay "extra" for nothing and then pay additionally for extras that you feel should have been included

It is kinda like that old joke "do you still beat your wife?" there is no good answer to the question

Bottom line, the iPhone X is priced where it is, you either buy it for what it is or you don't
You don't get to say it should have included other stuffs for that price


Staff member
Jul 1, 2014
Your premise is flawed
Of course everyone would like to have extras
But you are posturing that the iPhone X is totally overpriced and Apple is charging extra for nothing
And that we are happy to pay "extra" for nothing and then pay additionally for extras that you feel should have been included

It is kinda like that old joke "do you still beat your wife?" there is no good answer to the question

Bottom line, the iPhone X is priced where it is, you either buy it for what it is or you don't
You don't get to say it should have included other stuffs for that price

Others have replied in a similar manner, so, kudos to them too. Just going to use this for my follow-up.

This has been beaten to death on MR. For example:

And going in the other direction, have seen threads re: "why can't Apple sell the X without all the extras, so that the phone is not $1000?".

As someone else mentioned in this thread, I too do not want AirPods, and had Apple included them with the X, I would wish that I could get a $150-$200 cheaper X and not get the AirPods and 5W or theoretical 12W cubes (already have enough 24W chargers and cables that will charger the phone pretty quick).

It is what it is.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2007
They should have come with a 12W charger cube.

And all the headphone adapters should have a lightning port and a 3.5mm headphone jack, so we could use lightning headphones or regular headphones, and charge it while using regular headphones.

Expecting AirPods included at the current price would be unreasonable, but if they could offer a choice of AirPods vs Wired at different prices, similar to how they offer a choice of trackpad or magic mouse when you buy an iMac.
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macrumors 68000
Mar 14, 2011
I’m not a iPhone X user, but I don’t think AirPods are a reasonable thing to include with any iPhone or iPad at this point. They’re simply too expensive for something that doesn’t benefit everyone (for the record, I have AirPods and they’re great - for me).

Wired headphones continue to be fine for the majority of people, even iPhone X users, and headphones of any kind are a very personal item. The EarPod / AirPod design doesn’t fit everyone’s ears, or meet everyone’s needs. Better to include a basic set and let people figure where to go from there. Plus, AirPods can easily last from one device to the next, so you don’t need to get a new pair every device generation.

A charger benefits a far larger percentage of people, so it makes sense to bundle the cheapest one you can - even if these are multi-generational items, too. The cable needs to be replaced eventually, so you’ll have a spare. Or you can place a backup charger at a secondary location. Or get a stand that doesn’t come with the cable and charger.

A second set of AirPods doesn’t work like that. The best you can do is either sell the new pair (so you didn’t need it bundled to begin with), or try and sell the old pair and use the new one (good luck with that - I wouldn’t buy used earphones).


macrumors member
Mar 2, 2017
I will probably have to upgrade my power-supplies because right now it's feeling like my equipment is drowning the battery than charging. A fast charge would be nice but if the battery is good enough, charging it over night is ok - furthermore, I have a docking station at work so battery shouldn't be a problem anymore.
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