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macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
"Currently this project supports all but the photo, 4G, U2, and Mini iPods"

In other words, only 1G-3G. But it's still really cool--there are new graphical games you can run and everything--and not lose Apple's own iPod OS either, you get the choice of that or a Linux-based GUI.

I hope they get it working on the latest iPods soon. Color would be too cool!


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2003
Haven't tested everything yet but it seems to work fine on my 1st Gen 10 gig iPod. I had to adjust button & scrolling prefs after booting into linux but other than that no troubles. Calculator is a nice feature, I hope apple puts it in the next iPod software update. Cool Christmas fun!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2004
Lisbon, Portugal
Hmmm... I'd really like to try this out, but since I've bought my iPod in March, I'm a bit afraid that this could void my warranty... do you know if it does?

They don't say anything about that, just something along these lines: "this can harm your iPod but since we started the project in 2002 we've never heard of that happening", so, cool then... But when I saw that screenshot of the installer, which displayed a progress bar and a message saying "Installing modified firmware", I started thinking twice about it... ;)


macrumors regular
Jul 26, 2004
Lancashire UK
just tried it out

the games are a fun feature

and the little penguin too

not seeing a practical side to it yet but there is a definite cool factor to it

i'm not getting audio playback though, maybe because my library is nearly entirely AAC?


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
So is there anything in terms of playing music that it does better than the default iPod software?

Mainyehc -- I suppose that at the very very worst, you will be able to use the option in the iPod updater to completely reformat and clean install on the iPod disk, and then sync with iTunes to get your music back.


macrumors regular
Aug 17, 2003
I have no real idea, but I'd imagine that any troubles with this software could be fixed by letting iTunes/iPod updaters wipe the iPod and re-format the thing. But I've seen no troubles on my 1st gen 10 gigger.

Music playback under Linux is awful, and this is mostly a really cool hack, not anything enormously useful. yet. It's very cool to add software to your iPod (and I wish Apple would add a calculator to the official iPod bag of tricks), but your inner Jobs will recoil at the interface and slightly clunky controls. Though surely this will only improve with time, and hats off to the folks responsible! It's a very cool development. Has there been anything available for the iPod that so thoroughly hacks the thing? I know there's lots of shareware that adds useful info to your notes or contacts (movie showtimes, etc.) but this is a whole 'nother thing entirely.
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