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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 7, 2004
Burnaby, British Columbia
Not because I've been using them and don't like them, but because I always get to the store too late.

I called my school store when I was about 5 minutes away to confirm if they had any in stock, they said yes. Along the way, my friend had to stop and chat with someone for a bit. We got to the school store, and they said they sold out. The last one was bought 5 minutes ago :(

Yesterday after work, I went to Future Shop (Big Canadian electronics store), they said they got the 512MB shuffles earlier that morning, and they already sold out.

These things are selling like crazy. I want to get my hands on one :(

I emailed my school store about reserving/prepurchasing one. I hope they do that.


macrumors 68020
Jul 26, 2004
Burlington, VT
that sucks. The Best Buy in my town has a good stock of them. But of course I live in Vermont (that's a state in the US, you'll be surprised how many Americans don't know that!) and i don't think we have a huge Mac fan population here. It is starting to change though, now that IBM is getting smaller and we have the SmallDog store. I would love to get an Apple Store here in Burlington, but I doubt that will happen any time soon, if at all.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
A couple of store around here have them, although I don't as I'm not in the market for one.

Microcenter, apple store are two places I was at recently that seemed to have a supply. not sure which model.
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