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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
is it possible to transfer music from ipod(1) to ipod(2) if they were both connected to my ibook g4? or would i have to transfer from ipod(1) to ibook n then on to ipod(2)?

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Pretty sure you can't connect the two iPods together however that second way is feasible so long as you can download the songs onto the iBook. Can I recommend Pod2Mac or some such program. Search for them on Versiontracker. :)


macrumors 6502
Oct 13, 2001
Seattle, WA
I guess you gotta transfer them to the mac's iTunes library first, with a program like iPod Viewer from versiontracker, and then sync your other iPod with that to get the transferred music.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
when yr ipod hd is bigger than yr computers hd...

hmm.. thanks for yr help :)

i guess this is something i'd like apple to address.. if they're going to continue on with bigger n bigger ipod hd sizes they have to realise that alot more people are going to be in the same situation as me. I don't want to store/sync my music files on my ibook because it just doesn't have the room. :(


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
ipod to ipod

that'd be good too... if had the ability to eliminate doubles the way the new itunes update does.

i was just thinking more along the lines that itunes would view ipod(1) like it would an external harddrive - holding the music files, then using the drag n drop method to upload to ipod(2). and it would read all files types, not just mp3.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2003
I doubt Apple will ever do this. As the CEO of a movie company, and working with a short leash from the music industry, I doubt Steve Jobs would make a decision that could make piracy of music even easier. In this case the benefits dont outweigh the cost.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
So do you not have the music that's going to be on both of them on your Mac? You might be able to do what you want with one of those programs like iPodRip, that are designed to bring music back off the iPod. I know at least some of them allow you to basically mount and view the whole iPod drive contents (including music) as if it were an external drive (like FW Target Disk mode, but with accessibility to the music).

As for Apple permitting it, their policy thus far has always been that the door to the iPod is one-way -- music goes on, but it *does not* come off.... :rolleyes: I think they expect a user like you to have the music on your computer, so that it can flash either/both iPods without music coming off of either of them, onto any other device.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
You can use symbolic links (which are a pain to manage) or you can do
combine yr record collections

all i'm really trying to do is combine my record collection with that of my girlfriends.. the old fashioned way would be to buy a bigger cd shelf :p ... but as we're both about to move half way across the world for a year it wasn't really an option to bring all our cds with us.

so the cd shelf is now the ibook, only my ibook isn't a big enough "shelf" for the combined record collection.. only i just bought the "shelf" before xmas! i'd love to buy and external harddrive but can afford it now.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2002
You could always buy a firewire hard drive, store both libraries there, and sync both iPods to that. You'd also have a nice backup incase an iPod gets lost/stolen/broken. I have the compusa warranty and every time I get a new iPod (its up to 4 now) I just re sync my music and don't miss a beat. If all your music is just on your iPod, you may lose it. You should be able to get a decent sized firewire hard drive for around $100-$200 depending on the size.

Or, perhaps if your iPod is more than twice as big as your iTunes library, enable disk use on the iPod, and store the library there, then when you sync it, it just copies to itself. You can then sync that music to the other iPod.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
"Or, perhaps if your iPod is more than twice as big as your iTunes library, enable disk use on the iPod, and store the library there, then when you sync it, it just copies to itself. You can then sync that music to the other iPod."

i think this is basically what i'm after.

when you say "enable disk use" is that something you can just do or is done via one of these programs named above?


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2002
youngestchild said:
when you say "enable disk use" is that something you can just do or is done via one of these programs named above?

Control click, or right click the iPod in iTunes, and go to iPod options, on the second tab "general" there is a check box for enable disk use. There will be a warning window saying that if you do that, you have to manually eject the iPod, which is no big deal, but it may be different than what you are used to.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
sorry, i'm really new to all this and you've kinda lost me :eek:

so is this 'enable disc' to replace the downloading one of these other programs? or to be used in conjuction with?

i don't want to go messing with it too much, just the bare minimum as to get the setup the way i want it. my plan is: install podworks on ibook and pod(1), install itunes on pod(1), load up pod(1) with all my music files. sorted! hopefully then i can just connect pod(1) with pod(2) (using the ibook purely as a way of connecting the two) and transferr files across.

if anyone sees a flaw in this plan please let me know! i am a newbie after all :p


macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2005
enable disc use

so i went to do this and the option is ticket but 'shaded' so i can't unclick it.. what does this mean? :confused:


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2002
youngestchild said:
so i went to do this and the option is ticket but 'shaded' so i can't unclick it.. what does this mean? :confused:

Honestly, I have no idea, in my experience with a 2G 3G 4G and iPod Mini, i've never seen that option grayed out, I'd suggest reformatting the iPod (as long as your music is backed up on your computer) to factory defaults, and start over.
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