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macrumors 65816
Jul 10, 2003
whee900 said:
Well, I read Japanese, which shares some characters with chinese. I don't know the meaning either. Are there any Chinese people around who can answer our question?

The thing is, this thing might have tablet capabilities along with that of an iPod. Maybe this might be closer to a tablet PC than a music player..
are you serious? have you read any of the earlier threads in this post? it has been translated dozens of times already.

oh, and it means, "this side" or something similar.

and there's already been a lot of debate as to what "this side" may mean...silly, IMO.

(edit: woo hoo! 500th post! avatar, baby)


macrumors 68030
May 28, 2002
spacehog371 said:
You guys didn't look very closely

THAT IS A B... not an 8

looks real.

Just wanted to point out... if you watch the high quality video... there is absolutely no doubt that you were wrong.

Way to uh.. claim authority and turn out to be wrong though. Congrats.. you made it to my sig.


macrumors newbie
Dec 13, 2005
First post...
Those two characters actually means "Here" or "This place". But in that video we can see the photoshoper intended to express "This side up", which he typed in the translation widget. If you speak Chinese, I think you'll never say that to express "This side up". Beacuse nothing "up" is mentioned in those two characters. It simply means "Here". So when I saw this picture first time, I couldn't understand why there's a sticker on the connector/cable. So strange.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2005
The Netherlands
tensionhead said:

ROTFLMAO! Now that would be an interesting development ;) I sure hope they won't postpone the iPod Video as long as the next Duke Nukem :D


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2006
Im starting to get sick of all these really good fakes of upcoming apple products. People really put a lot of effort into making these as convincing as possible. Great concept ideas though.


macrumors 68030
May 28, 2002
My favorite part of this thread was when nobody posted anything for 5 months.. and then out of no where, this total n00b posted the images we've all seen like a billion times.

That was awesome.

(now where is that goddamn unsubscribe button?)


macrumors regular
Jun 16, 2006
yoda_four said:
This just popped into my head. What if Apple redesigned the iPod OS to be basically Front Row?! Wouldn't having a black screen use less power than a white screen? Plus, it would be just as usable with a touch-screen click-wheel as with an Apple Remote.

Sounds pretty cool! :D


macrumors 601
Dec 2, 2003
yoda_four said:
Wouldn't having a black screen use less power than a white screen?

No, the iPod uses an LCD display (as do the vast majority of other handheld devices) and that's not the way LCD screens work. LCD's have a light behind them that is always on at the same brightness no matter what color is on the screen. A black pixel is generated by covering up the back light entirely at that spot. However, OLED and other display technologies generate individual points of light for each individual pixel rather than covering up shades of the backlight for each pixel as LCD does. So if the iPod were ever to switch to a new display technology, you would be correct, but for now the iPod uses the same amount of energy no matter what color it displays.


macrumors 68000
Apr 2, 2006
Those look pretty darn real.. It has a shadow and everything. Look under the dock it even reflects. Mayby its not fake...

These have already been proven to be fake.

You can tell just by looking at the time elapsed and time remaining on the one in the dock. (if it wasn't obvious already) You can see that the bar is farther to the right than it seems it should be for ~half-way through the song.

Let me see if I can find it....
Ah yes here. The March 5th entry.


macrumors demi-god
Mar 23, 2006
My friend told me a rumor that the new Video iPod is coming out next Tuesday!

Ya seriously, we won't know anything more about the new iPod until it is released.


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2005
Wahoo!!! My first post in THIS thread.

I kinda like the picture on page 46 of the thread. I know they are probably fakes... :)
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