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macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2022
Northern Ireland
I feel like the 13PM is going to last a very long time, and the current stock issues with the 14PM are helping that even further.

I'm sure a lot of 13PM users that usually upgrade every year are sticking with their current phone this year simply because they can't get their hands on the newest model and then, once the cycle is broken, they'll end up keeping it for maybe another year or 2 on top of it.

I know more people that have bought 13PM since launch day than I know people who have bought any of the 14s!

It also doesn't help that the 13PM comes in some of the coolest colours I've seen on a smartphone (that Sierra Blue and Alpine Green are just beautiful even if I am partial to a silver myself.)


macrumors 604
May 20, 2010
I feel like the 13PM is going to last a very long time, and the current stock issues with the 14PM are helping that even further.

I'm sure a lot of 13PM users that usually upgrade every year are sticking with their current phone this year simply because they can't get their hands on the newest model and then, once the cycle is broken, they'll end up keeping it for maybe another year or 2 on top of it.

I know more people that have bought 13PM since launch day than I know people who have bought any of the 14s!

It also doesn't help that the 13PM comes in some of the coolest colours I've seen on a smartphone (that Sierra Blue and Alpine Green are just beautiful even if I am partial to a silver myself.)
Seem to always be able to find three Pro Maxes nearby and sometime the exact 14PM 256 Purple, but those ship dates are still insane
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macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2022
Northern Ireland
Seem to always be able to find three Pro Maxes nearby and sometime the exact 14PM 256 Purple, but those ship dates are still insane
I know when I was trying to get mine a few weeks ago there seemed to always be a 512GB or 1TB Gold PM but other than that Belfast was very scarce for them.

It took me checking iUP multiple times every hour, every day for about 2 weeks before I got my hands on my 256 Silver PM but then again that is probably one of the more desirable specs.

The purple doesn't seem to be as popular as I expected it to be so not surprising that it's one of the easiest to get.

Those shipping times are dire though and they only seem to be getting worse. 😬


macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
I don’t think so.

My 6s got double the ram which extended life right there and better processor. The reason for its popularity (iPhone 13s) is because of the supply constrains on the 14 pros.

The 14 pros won’t be the new 6s either. Apple will rather concentrate on augmented reality on its headsets instead. HUD of iPhone notifications and apps without the phone but rather this big ass headset - will probably look like glasses eventually. iPhones are sooooo 2022…


macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2016
I think all 13’s are going to be like the 6S. No one really has anything bad to say about them as they are essentially the previous model with all the complaints resolved.

The 6 was okay however the aluminium shell was too fragile, the A8 chip wasn’t considered much better than the A7 and the lack of RAM left much to be desired along with Touch ID being slow.

The 6S resolved all those issues and added the Taptic Engine for good measure.

If I had a 13 I would keep it until the 17 is released.
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macrumors regular
Nov 23, 2014
I know my and my Brides 13 Minis will stay in service until a new Mini model is introduced or performance becomes sub-par. My 14PM is a wonderful device with its great screen, overall performance, better camera and so on but it is HUGE. Coming from a 13PM I think the 14PM is a better device. That being said the 14 PM would be the first one to upgraded to a new model before the Mini.

Still on my first cup of coffee here...
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macrumors newbie
Sep 23, 2022
Northern Ireland
My 6s got double the ram which extended life right there and better processor. The reason for its popularity (iPhone 13s) is because of the supply constrains on the 14 pros.
I agree, the 13PM isn't anything special in comparison to the 12PM in the same that the 14PM isn't anything to write home about.

But I doubt anyone would have even entertained this discussion about any of the 12 series, the 13 Pro and Pro Max seem to have more longevity than most phones do these days, planned obsolescence has become too big a focus for major phone manufacturers so it's good to see a phone that should easily last longer than 2-3 years.

That being said, I feel like the regular 11 is a contender for a long lasting phone, I think I know more people with that phone than almost any other despite the fact that it's over 3 years old and everyone that still has it seems pretty content with it and have no intention of upgrading anytime soon,


macrumors regular
Aug 20, 2011
I was the holdout 6s user since I prefer to have the headphone jack. I upgraded to 13 mini last month because I still need the sim slot. My wife upgraded from XS max to 13 pro max because of the sim card slot issue as well. We were planning to get 14 pro max from canada but can’t resist the sale price on 13 pro max. These phones should hold us awhile. It also help the camera n battery for 13 pro max is not being improved significantly on 14 pro max. Pretty happy so far with our choices.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 11, 2013
I believe so as well. It's an all around great phone, super fast, good camera great battery life. 14 series feels so rushed and half-baked, an experiment for future tech. I'm so glad that the 12 Pro i ordered never arrived so I waited a bit more and got the 13P to replace my aging but still good 6S. Sometimes the universe knows the best for you. :)
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macrumors 65816
Feb 10, 2021
I was the holdout 6s user since I prefer to have the headphone jack. I upgraded to 13 mini last month because I still need the sim slot. My wife upgraded from XS max to 13 pro max because of the sim card slot issue as well. We were planning to get 14 pro max from canada but can’t resist the sale price on 13 pro max. These phones should hold us awhile. It also help the camera n battery for 13 pro max is not being improved significantly on 14 pro max. Pretty happy so far with our choices.
Yup, I travel and need the sim tray, fortunately I live in Canada. One reason to get the 14 PM was I’m pretty sure the iPhone 15 won’t have it in Canada - so…

I also have a 12 PM as my secondary because I use them for business. The 12 to 14 upgrade was all right but the sim tray thing pushed the purchase along.

It was a 6S - 12 PM and I still have the 6S.


macrumors 68030
Oct 24, 2021
I never had a 6 so I can't comment on that.

I did have an 11 PM and now the 13PM.

For me the 13 PM was a first for Apple in significant ways. The 120hz screen, large screen and excellent battery life with 5g were all features that I wanted in a phone. Plus you got double the base storage from the 11 from 64gb to 128gb which was a big deal to me as I usually buy the base model Pro Max. To me the 13 was a pretty big upgrade from my 11 and just don't see the 14 as being a big upgrade. I think the 15 just might be a bigger upgrade over the 14.

The new 14PM doesn't really have any new features I want besides a better camera. The processor isn't a big upgrade, the screen is essentially the same but now there is an ugly pill cut out.

If Apple was able to copy Samsung with just a single camera cut out and hide the other sensors under the screen then I would have jumped on it. As it is now the pill shape is too big to offer any real extra space for screen viewing. The notch looks anesthetically better to me.

Also the 14 should have had USB c support. That would have made me jump.

So I am going to wait for the 15 PM and hopefully get a better processor, USB-C support and maybe they will improve the camera cut out.

For now the 13 Pro Max has everything I need. I have Apple Care for two years. So it just makes more sense to wait for the 15 Pro Max.

I do love the 14PM purple color and if I could get a super sweet trade in deal I might get it but if I have to pay much for it I will skip this year.
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macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
Very happy with my 13 Pro Max, then again I was quite happy with my 11 Pro Max too.
The next time I get a new iPhone will probably be when I see a substantial enough upgrade in areas like RAM capacity and battery life from the 13PM.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 9, 2012
Very happy with my 13 Pro Max, then again I was quite happy with my 11 Pro Max too.
The next time I get a new iPhone will probably be when I see a substantial enough upgrade in areas like RAM capacity and battery life from the 13PM.

Aweh the 11 Pro was another one of those polished to perfection iterations.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 28, 2011
Yes and No.

The iPhone 6 series was particularly gimped.

With the iPhone 6S, Apple addressed many “essential” issues, with a stronger aluminium chassis, more powerful SOC(of note the GPU) and most importantly double the ram.

I remember queuing outside my local distributor way before the store was open on launch day, even though I was physically unwell and in pain.

That was how much I look forward to upgrading that year, just to be rid of the problems I was experiencing on the 6 Plus.

Incidentally it was also the final time that I felt like I “had to” upgrade.

*Having said that, I did prefer the sound signature on the iPhone 6 compared to the iPhone 6S when paired with my earphones.

The iPhone 13 Pro Max was not as compelling an upgrade, mainly because the iPhone 12 series while not perfect was also not a particularly problematic series.

It was faster and smoother than previous generation, the only 2 drawback that I remember offhandedly would be, worse battery life especially while using 5G(first gen problems) and difficulty getting a good close up shot on the 12 Pro Max. Other than that, I did manage to scrape off some of the paint on both camera rings on my iPhone 12, might have slightly contributed to going Pro.

Personally I “leisurely” upgraded to the iPhone 13 Pro Max from the regular 12, somewhere in the middle of October last year.

No real reason to upgrade, no rush, took my time, waited till the right colour and size were readily available, contemplated some more and nonchalantly ordered it online.

On hind side after using the iPhone 13 Pro Max for slightly more than a year, I can say this is perhaps the most extraordinary iPhone upgrade for me, in a really long while.

If the iPhone 6S series dealt with the essentials, the iPhone 13 series deals with quality of life improvements.

The iPhone 13 Pro Max introduced many 1st along with the yearly SOC/Camera improvements for what is perhaps the biggest jump in sheer capability on an iPhone in a single year.

1. 1st iPhone camera array that has the capability to shoot full range - Selfie, Macro, Wide, Ultra Wide and Telephoto.
2. 1st iPhone Pro series that has Pro format for both photos and videos.
3. 1st iPhone series that can mimic photography output of other systems with photographic styles.
4. 1st iPhone series that can shoot cinematic videos with background blur.
5. 1st iPhone Pro series that has a 120Hz screen.
6. iPhone 13 Pro Max, is the 1st iPhone thar consistently won accolades for best battery life in a top end smartphone.
7. 1st iPhone for me that can simulate acceptable shallow depth of field on the primary “Wide” lens.

It is hard to fully appreciate the improvements on paper but the combination of these enhancements really makes the iPhone 13 Pro Max a joy to use.
It is so capable that on a recent 6 days trip to Bangkok, it served as my main digital companion, along side my Apple Watch and AirPods Pro, a first for me.
I readily left my micro 3/4 camera, Macbook Pro and iPad Pro at home and never once felt impaired in anyway.
This is quite a testament as prior to the iPhone 13 Pro Max, I use to take at least my iPad with me even if it was just a short half a day trip around town.
Furthermore not a single moment of battery anxiety the entire trip, even without bringing a charging pack or charger/cable combo when I am out and about, only setting it to charge just before going to bed.
This is while using the iPhone 13 Pro Max as my sole communications, reading, gaming, navigation, taxi hailing, music listening, event booking, video watching, light shining, internet browsing, photography and videography device.

*The only drawback is after getting use to the smoothness of the 120Hz screen, it can feel slightly nauseating(almost like experiencing a mild vertigo) when looking at iPhone screen running at 60Hz, like something isn’t quite right.
I noticed this effect and it is more prominent when the iPhone is going through a transition effect or scrolling. This probably would vary depending on how sensitive you are to screen changes.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 23, 2017
I think the 6S is possibly the most overrated apple phone there has ever been and one of the smallest upgrades ever over its predecessor, with the other candidate being the 11 (over the XR)

Mark Stone

macrumors 6502
Mar 20, 2022
In its case.
One of those phones that is just so good and complete that people skip 3-4 cycles before upgrading?
I’m late to this thread, but I think so. When I replaced my 8 Plus with my new 13 this last March, I knew within a couple of days that it was a very strong device that was going to give me 5+ happy years of service. I know that the 8 Plus it replaced could have gone another couple of years beyond the four years that I owned it, also -
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macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
That’s simply not possible.

I’ve seen nothing but strange claims from that poster that seem designed to get a reaction. They never ever respond when challenged either. The 6S was such a good phone and I still see people using it to this day. Powerful enough to last many years and was a big upgrade to the iPhone 6. I actually went from a 6 to a 6S rather than getting the 7 because the 7 was such a small update. I gave my 6S to a family member who used it for 4 years after my 2. I have it back now and use it as an iPod on runs.


macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2016
I’ve seen nothing but strange claims from that poster that seem designed to get a reaction. They never ever respond when challenged either. The 6S was such a good phone and I still see people using it to this day. Powerful enough to last many years and was a big upgrade to the iPhone 6. I actually went from a 6 to a 6S rather than getting the 7 because the 7 was such a small update. I gave my 6S to a family member who used it for 4 years after my 2. I have it back now and use it as an iPod on runs.
The 6S was my first iPhone. I wish I had kept using it for longer because I moved on way too soon when I picked up an 8 on release. I even brought out my 6S recently to update to iOS 15 and it runs everything fairly smoothly. I have an iPad Mini 4 with the A8 chip and the A9 in the 6S appears twice as fast.

In my experience, I would say the 6S provided the single biggest upgrade over any previous iPhone. The 6 was only officially supported until the last major iOS 12 update in Sept 2019 whereas the 6S was officially supported until a couple of months ago.
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macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2013
The 6S was my first iPhone. I wish I had kept using it for longer because I moved on way too soon when I picked up an 8 on release. I even brought out my 6S recently to update to iOS 15 and it runs everything fairly smoothly. I have an iPad 4 with the A8 chip and the A9 in the 6S appears twice as fast.
iPad 4 has A6X.


macrumors 6502
Oct 28, 2021
I have a 13 Pro and no plans to upgrade until it totally dies on me, unless they come out with something that really compels me to upgrade sooner. I think dynamic island is cool but not enough to get me to upgrade.


macrumors G5
Mar 27, 2017
Sure, if you don't care about cameras and sensor size.

iPhone 6 through 8 was all about performance.
iPhone 11 onward is about camera quality.

The camera quality and feature jump from X to 11 Pro was massive. Same thing with the 14 Pro.
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