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macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2012
Not sure what constitutes as "better", however my my uses apple maps in the car on her i5 all the time and she's never had any problems.


macrumors newbie
Feb 21, 2013
Google maps is way better right now, but with the huge user base Apple has, with a bit of effort and crowd-sourcing they will be fighting for the crown soon. Competition is always a good thing.


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
It definitely depends on where you are and who has more accurate information. Google's POI's aren't always better, but they are most of the time, especially if you're not in the US.

Since I'm in the US and use an iPhone 5 this is my experience:

If I have to navigate to a known address I use Apple Maps every time as it takes far fewer taps to get going (address is entered or spoken and starts navigating immediately if you're in motion).

If I need to search for a place first, then I use Google Maps as their POI data is stronger. Although, it takes quite a few taps to get navigation started and the turn-by-turn provides less information.


macrumors 65816
Oct 16, 2009
POIs is the big problem they have in most places and definitely here in the UK - and it's not just the data itself but the logic the app applies to the search too.

The other day I wanted to search for the "Trooper Inn", a popular and award winning pub/restaurant located just a few miles outside Petersfield in Hampshire, England. Sat there with maps open, and the blue dot on where I was parked in Petersfield, a search for "Trooper Inn" immediately took me to a place called the "China Inn". Fair enough, it was in a place called Trooper.

Trooper, Pennsylvania that is.

I tried a few variations on the search but that was genuinely the best it could do - suggest a transatlantic trip rather than find any more local inn or pub of any description. Of course when I tried the google app it suggested "Trooper Inn, Petersfield" before I'd barely started typing.

I've no doubt if I'd put the Trooper's address into Apple maps it would have taken me there no problem, but unfortunately we're all used to better than that.


macrumors 68020
Oct 30, 2008
GM is still more mature. There are still places that it will find that AM won't, such as the Costco in Lihue, Kaua'i, as I recently found out. But AM is pretty good, and faster and nicer in some respects.


macrumors newbie
Apr 30, 2012
Charleston, SC
I have to agree that Apple Maps is better for turn by turn navigation. Google Maps may be better for POI's but Apple's navigation and interface is much nicer.


Jul 18, 2011
Working great for me here in Singapore. Not sure if because it is less data hungry, but my location is pinpointed more accurately on apple maps compared to google maps. I have no problems finding my way to my desired destinations.


macrumors 68020
Aug 11, 2009
I have to agree that Apple Maps is better for turn by turn navigation. Google Maps may be better for POI's but Apple's navigation and interface is much nicer.

What do you mean better for turn by turn? Does Apple Maps look better using turn by turn? Maybe. But Apple Maps has terrible routing in my experience.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2012
What annoys me is why are the google satellite views so much sharper and clearer than apple maps?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 1, 2012
I prefer apple maps but I use The Garmin app instead. The main thing keeping me from using the apple maps is that it doesn't seem to have a night time mode which is very bright at night.

I don't like google maps because it doesn't know where my house is and directs people down the wrong street. Which I don't have this problem with apple maps or Garmin.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2012
Google maps are better. Simply because Apple maps doesn't work in my area and Google maps does!


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Google maps is better in the way its more reliable and has had an awful lot more time put into it. Apple Maps has a much nicer interface, especially during navigation IMO. Both will only get better.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2011
Lexington, KY
I have used Apple maps from the first day and never had an issue. I travel routinely so I believe I have given them a reasonable test. I do admit that I don't use any public transportation (and don't plan to) and I usually put in addresses rather than making the maps guess what I want so maybe I'm missing something.

I do travel in rural areas a lot and have seen no problems whatsoever.


macrumors 68020
Aug 11, 2009
I do travel in rural areas a lot and have seen no problems whatsoever.

That is because it is easy to route in rural areas. Try using Apple Maps in a big city and you will see some ridiculous routing directions (like getting off and exit and telling you to get right back on the highway).


macrumors 6502
May 16, 2011
Orpington, Kent, UK
Directions that work reliably outside of california?

Like the UK? Where apart from the POI database, Apple maps navigation has been absolutely flawless? It's taken me either end of the country, successfully saving me time around traffic jams with clear concise directions.

Google Maps on the other hand? Google maps although better for POI's, the navigation is utter garbage. The voice sounds like a robotic fart being shoved through a desk fan, and has no knowledge on how to say even the most easily pronounced road and town names.

I'd take an old TomTom voice which doesn't read road names over the garbage that is Google Maps.

If I had Apple Maps with Google's POI database, I'd be a very happy man.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I don't have a problem with Apple maps and I use them quite a bit. However I'm not going to get rid of Google maps. It's nice to have a back up plan just in case. :)


macrumors demi-god
Jun 29, 2010
South Cackalacky
I meant exactly what I said. Apple Maps turn by turn works better for me. Apparently Google is better for you.

I have the same experience...GoogleMaps (routing only) simply thinks too hard...routing rarely if ever matches the fastest route as shown by Garmin or Apple maps. And my experience is that the Garmin and Apple routing is much better.

Google Maps routed me through a cemetery as a shortcut...I thought it was great that Google actually had the cemetery roads on their map, but it was in no way faster than simply going the opposite direction for 25 feet to get on an actual street.

I also probably expect more from Google due to their experience. I was surprised when driving in NYC last week that GoogleMaps didn't know I was unable to turn on certain streets due to time restrictions that are always in place and have been for some time (example: no right turn onto 7th Avenue between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.). Not sure if their software is that sophisticated to tie time of day into their routings, but if anyone would do that I would think Google could/would.


macrumors 601
Oct 1, 2010
recently ive noticed that apple maps have a much better quality of satellite images than google's - at least in my area. whilst google maps looks blurred, apple satellite images are sharp.

additionally, apple maps show far more information at first glance of nearby restaurants, shops, stations and what not via those little icons that are splattered throughout the screen.

i have thus began to wonder if its even worth having google maps on my phone still. ive used google turn by turn navegation once and it was fantastic, but havent tried apple's.

so what do you guys think? aside from errors in town locations in australia's outback or bridges sinking into the water, is google maps now really ahead of apple's in every day use?

Depends on where you live. I have been using Apple Maps since the early beta days and haven't looked back.

But I also live in the US, and some people have been complaining. Mostly outside the US about major issues.


Feb 9, 2003
outside of the USA, in Asia, apple maps is a joke. truly a joke. street names usually missing, place/location addresses missing, major class landmarks not mentioned, streets missing, and no marking of where rivers are (!) even.
truly a joke.
for whats it worth, google maps have none of the above problems in Asia.
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