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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 28, 2008
Plymouth, MI
Bought a 2.66 i7 MBP off craigslist(just purchased in January '11 with 3 years Applecare. got a great deal, but that's beside the point.)

By all of my research, the i7 2.66(620M) is a dual core processor. I purchased this knowing that - figured it'd be an upgrade to my 2.26 C2D regardless.

Oddly though(and this is what I'm confused about). In Activity Monitor and iStat Menu, it shows four bars/sections being monitored.

Any idea why? Seems strange to me.
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macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2010
My quad core only shows one :confused:

In Activity Monitor it only shows one, unless you go to Window>Floating CPU Window> select somethig other than none and then it shows the multiples.
In iStat it will show all of the threads/ cores (shoud be 8 for a quad) once the settings are chosen.
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