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Is the flood of fall/winter games a good thing or bad thing?

  • Good thing! The more the better! More games = more selection

    Votes: 27 61.4%
  • Bad thing.... too many games, not enough money or time

    Votes: 17 38.6%

  • Total voters


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
Well? Do you think that the shear mass of games coming to all the systems this year is a good thing or bad thing?

personally, I think it's somewhat of a bad thing. Even buying almost a dozen games, I still won't be able to play all the awesome looking games that are being pumped out. And studios can't like it too much since they have so much competition, particularly from juggernauts like Halo.

Oh well, at least I will be able to have lots of games for the drought next year... oh wait.. Q1/2 has GTA, MGS IV, GT5, Fable 2....... :p


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
14 Wii games and 16 PS3 games, my goal is a lot more by March :) Money isn't a big object for me when it comes to gaming :p



macrumors 65816
May 25, 2006
Arlington VA
It's bad, the list is too big
Assassin's Creed
Halo 3
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Madden 08 Wii

A couple are "late summer releases" but i bunched them all together.
My bill comes to $500 plus tax :eek:
And that doesn't even include XBL arcade games, VC games, potentially getting Stranglehold, Ace Combat 6, and who knows what else...


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
It'd be nice if it could have been spread out a little more; I can't afford everything I want. Feels like there's nothing I want for six months, then everything slams at once and I can't afford it all.

I don't blame the companies; they know their games won't sell as well if they release in the summer. It's stupid that it works that way though.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
seriously, I have bioshock, warhawk, heavenly sword, mario, stranglehold, halo 3, HL2:Ep2, Mass Effect, CoD4, Assassins creed, uncharted, R&C, FFT, plus a bunch more i would love to at least try ie. rockband


its not jsut money but the time. I have university classes to think of......briefly between online matches of Halo :p


Jan 18, 2005
Metroid Prime 3, Galaxy, RE4, BWii. Smash Bros in early 08.
I always forget about DS games till they're actually in the shops too.

But yea, lots of games. There is nothing telling me that I have to buy them all at launch so I don't see the problem really.

Probably going to hold off on Episode 2. I paid £19.99 for Ep1 and oh boy I felt the burn.


macrumors 68040
Dec 25, 2003
Dornbirn (Austria)
i voted for bad since i don't actually have neither time nor money for them...

but on the plus side i may delay buying some of the games for me personally and byu them when we are in "slow release mode" again

my younger brother is really going to burn this fall since will be getting a 360 on top of his current wii .... 2 consoles will make him burn a lot of money i guess ;)

edit: i have barley enough time for 1 console + old pc games (the last month i have been occupied by rome: total war barbarian add on, scarface for the wii and mario party 8 borrowed from my brother

edit: oh and i'm gonna buy the orange box with halflife 2, ep1+2 ,portal and team fortress 2
lucky me who hold of buying hl2 early now i get 3 games + 2 addons for the same price (and a orange package like the old one ;) )


macrumors 65816
Aug 9, 2006
Boston, MA
Halo 3
Asassin's Creed
Mass Effect
Mario Galaxy
Smash Bros. Brawl
Prime 3: Corruption
Guitar Hero 3

I really do feel overwhelmed, it kinda retracts from the awesomeness of all these games. Where will my time go??

I haven't even finished God of War 2 or Twilight Princess!!!


macrumors 65816
Aug 9, 2006
Boston, MA
It seems like a lot of us are going to be loners for a few months. That's the only way we would ever be able to play all of the games that we want to.

That's the problem. I can't play any video game (except CS:S) for more than like an hour, even if it is an amazing game, like I'm sure all these games are going to be.

At that rate, it will take me until the next gen of consoles to finish all these awesome games.


Jan 18, 2005
^ That's me for Half Life 2 Deathmatch :) sometimes, like in TP I seem to plough ahead without caring for time. But even games I've fallen madly in love and play every day, I don't go for more than 30-60 mins.

I'll be picking up Kirby Mouse Attack too. I played the US version a while ago but found it to be 'just another Kirby romp'. But I played it again and really got addicted to finding treasure chests and unlocking secrets.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2006
Fenton, MO
Good yet bad.

Good that so much will be available to play, bad because there's not enough money or time for me to do so. :D

Then again, this is the way it always is and probably always will be. :eek:

Gone are my days of 3 days straight of 24 hour gaming stretches with breaks only for restroom or to get something to eat (White Castle, Jack in the Box being the [2] 24hr popular choices) or to call and quit my job because there were more combos and matches to play in X-Men vs. Street Fighter for the Saturn. Ah those were the days...even the regular days consisted of going to bed at 7am, waking up around 3 or 4pm and gaming til 7am again - rinse and repeat the next day and the day after that and the one after that (and so on). These sucks. :)

What's worse is game purchases (with a few exceptions, notably Bioshock, Eternal Sonata, Rock Band and Halo 3) take a back seat to putting money aside/buying parts for my new [Penryn] Yorkfield quad computer build for late fall/early winter.


macrumors 68030
Aug 1, 2004
I know it's hard to choose, and control when there are a flood of games, and you don't have the time and money, but I've changed. Buy a couple to spend time on and then the other AAA titles will drop in price, that's when you get a good deal without breakin your wallet. I know it's hard to do especially when there's a new hit out, but I think that fact that it's NEW! makes you think different. I know there are plenty of games where I was like "OMGZzz I gots ta gets that!!" Then it's a year later and it doens't have the same appeal. I know it happens to me a lot.


macrumors regular
May 19, 2005
I know it's hard to choose, and control when there are a flood of games, and you don't have the time and money, but I've changed. Buy a couple to spend time on and then the other AAA titles will drop in price, that's when you get a good deal without breakin your wallet. I know it's hard to do especially when there's a new hit out, but I think that fact that it's NEW! makes you think different. I know there are plenty of games where I was like "OMGZzz I gots ta gets that!!" Then it's a year later and it doens't have the same appeal. I know it happens to me a lot.

This is what I try to do, and it's why I marked the "good" option. More good games is always better than less good games, whether I have the time or not.

It's difficult, though. Sometimes just staying away from news on a game helps, though. It helped me with Oblivion. However, now that I've seen the game in action (got to test drive it at a friend's), I really want it. I think I can hold off for a little while longer, though.... Hopefully its PC price will drop fairly soon!


macrumors 6502a
Apr 25, 2006
These United States
I say it's a bad thing. I don't have the money to get all the games I want. I don't have the time either. As it stands i'm going to get:

Halo 3
Mass Effect
Beautiful Katamari
Rock Band
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

I want COD4, Assassins Creed, and a bunch of other stuff. I think it's going to have the same effect the movie industry had this summer. It's on top one week, then drops. They won't be able to make as much money as they would have hoped i don't think. It would be smart to wait till Feb to launch something, cuz then it will be dry and we will be wanting something. That smells big bucks to me.


macrumors 65816
Aug 11, 2006
You guys voting for bad are crazy, honest.

What is so wrong about having many good games to select from? No one is pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to buy and play them all. Just buy the ones that interest you the most and then get the others when they hit greatest hits status or when you are bored or something.

Seriously, you guys need to have your head checked, your claims make no sense at all. (no offense intended :))

The games that interest me the most are Bioshock, UT3 and Crysis but I'm thinking of buying a DS Lite soon as well and a PS3 or 360, depending on what they get this year.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2004
Mac since 7.5
I think it is both good and bad, but I voted bad.

Good because a larger selection makes for more choice, and thus a greater likelihood that every gamer will find games they want to buy/play.

Bad because the holiday feeding frenzy means parents are out there buying games for their kids, and they buy what they recognize. Tired franchises and movie/TV licenses sell, then publishers think this cookie-cutter crap is what we really want, so they make more of it.
But the main reason I think it is bad is that, since there are so many obvious AAA titles dropping at once, the really cool [risky for publishers] niche titles [Oddworld, Okami, Ico, BG&E, Psychonauts and the like] get overlooked in the glut of games. In the short term, that means these stellar games will drop in price quicker, but it also means publishers are less likely to take a chance with similar fare in the future. Soon, we could be left with just more FPS, racing and sports titles.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
What peev's me about the endless surge of titles every Fall is quite simple...

Every year we go for six months or more of a drought period. Where nothing remarkable is ever released (usually big movie tie in's that suck major ass, but sell becuase there is F'all else on the shelves) , but if were lucky the odd gem may slip out of the woodwork...

And yet come fall / winter we are served masses and masses of great eagerly anticipated titles. This can not be good for the industry. It doesnt even matter if a game is a pure glitter of gold like POP:Sands of Time, or Beyond Good & Evil... Hitting the market at this time is always a complete gamble, and there is no doubt in my mind that if publishers held a couple of these titles back till the new year, or spring - then they would do consierably better at retail.

It's pure madness. A studio like Ubisoft will put out maybe 10-20 titles in the vein hope that at least 1 or 2 will sell well and cover the costs of the others that bomb.

Too much choice is bad in this instance.

OK you could argue too many games is better than none, and whilst this is partially true, it's still not a good thing because people only have a certain budget to work from.

They do not save up the rest of the year to hit the stores at christmas. If no games are released in June or July, people still spend the money they may have spent on a game, on somthing else... They dont have a little game piggy bank....

With game budgets geting bigger and bigger...................... This gamble publishers are playing at the end of the year is getting bigger and bigger too.

Eventually the industry is going to have to try and create some balance, because at the moment there certainly is a disturbance in the 'gaming' force... And it's veering too close to the dark side....

So gamers need to take a firm hold of their lightsaber and beging tossing around the idea of getting some action during the summer for a change ;)


macrumors 65816
May 25, 2006
Arlington VA
You guys voting for bad are crazy, honest.

What is so wrong about having many good games to select from? No one is pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to buy and play them all. Just buy the ones that interest you the most and then get the others when they hit greatest hits status or when you are bored or something.

Seriously, you guys need to have your head checked, your claims make no sense at all. (no offense intended :))

You bring up a good arguement, but look at Gears of War, it's already sold millions of copies and still has yet to receive the "Greatest Hit" moniker and price drop associated with it. As long as the companies believe they can get away with charging us $60 (or $50 for wii) they will.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
It's great, I don't see why it would be bad, you don't have to by them.

Exactly the reason why it's bad.

Great games not getting bought.

Re-hashed EA **** being bought for the name and not the quality by people who don't know better.

It's bad for the Industry as a whole.
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