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Shotgun OS

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 18, 2006
Well, I've been considering a Wii for some time now. I was supposed to get one for Christmas, but my parents couldn't get their hands on one. Since the Wii's becoming more available, I was actually thinking of purchasing one. Then I took a look at some of the games for it, and said "Ugh." I really don't care for the lineup of Wii games, mainly because I'm tired of all the same Nintendo characters, such as Mario and Metroid. But if I had the system, I would probably play them anyway.

Is the Wii really worth the money, even with the cheesy line up of games? What are your favorite games for it?


macrumors 65816
Jan 8, 2007
the wii is alot of fun it is more entertaing when you play with a friend etc, my favourtie game is warioware smooth moves very fun


macrumors 68020
Sep 16, 2003
The Dallas 'burbs
For me it was worth it, but your mileage may vary.

I was sold the minute the Virtual Console was announced. My biggest gaming regret was selling my SNES in college and now I can obtain many of the games I miss from that system, along with some classic 8-bitters.

I've also played a little bit with the Madden game, although that fever hits better when football season starts but it was pretty cool to actually throw the football and stiff-arm.

I'm currently sucked into Twilight Princess and only a little over half done. With a 2.5 year old and 1 month old at home, my gaming time is very limited and sleep sometimes takes priority. I think it was a great purchase on my part and have very little bad to say about it. Of course I don't have an HDTV anywhere in our house so I didn't need HD gaming, and there was no way to get a >$400 purchase past the wife for the next gen systems. The Wii hit the sweet spot in price and content for me and while the game selection may be lackluster at the moment, I only need about 1-2 good games every year to keep myself fully entertained. If it gets too bad I can always go back and check out the GameCube library for cheaper thrills.

The worthiness of the Wii all depends on what you're looking for. Knock your socks off HD graphics is not going to be coming from the Wii (at least compared to the PS3 and Xbox360) but for me the retro-gaming, price, and some of the franchise games hit just the right mark.


macrumors 65816
May 25, 2006
Arlington VA
Its a great console, however since i got my 360, i haven't used my wii that much. There are a few good titles out for the wii, but the 360 has been out longer, and therefore has more games. I would say wait for games to come out, and maybe for online play. COD has absolutely no depth without multiplayer, same with trauma center. Right now, the only games really worth buying are zelda and warioware


macrumors 65816
Mar 7, 2006
The Internet Channel is fantastic, especially since the current version was released.
I'm looking forward to Brawl and Metroid Prime 3 but the current games aren't too bad. Eledees (Elebits), Wario Ware and Excite Truck are all great games.


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2006
Sacramento, CA
Oh hell yah, the Wii is definately worth the money. Considering that the system only costs $250 (the cost of an ipod) you get way more than you pay for. Sure, PS3 has alot of games and a big hard drive, but it cant compare to the Wii.

There are a lot of great games for the Wii. Sure some are cheesy, but there are some nice ones. Latley ive been plaing call of duty 3 (great shooting, driving, battles, all that) and later today im going to pick up spidey 3. Just the fact that all of the controls are motion sensitive makes you feel like you are in the game. Wii sports is great for when you are entertaining, very interacitve and user friendly.

Also, the Wii has a neat weather, news and internet browser feature. I use the Opera internet browser ALL the time because it lets you surf pages like never before. You can enter in and give out your wii code to friends so you can message and play with eachother.

Here are a few videos of the wii in action, hopefully they will inspire you to buy a Wii like i did.

Wii Internet Broser in Action (Note, that is the old trial version, the new version doesnt have those annoying sounds when you click)

Call of Duty 3 Gameplay

Also, if you are having trouble finding one, i would try calling Target and Walmart first. I work at my local target, and on sunday mornings we usually have 4-5 Wii's in stock. Just go early to a gas station and get the sunday paper to check the ad. Walmart tends to get their shipments in on fridays. I was calling around last firday night to see if anyone had one, called walmart at 8pm and they had just gotten in 5 that night. Best of luck!


Jan 18, 2005
I'd say so. Infact the only 2 games I could ever play without getting bored are Excite Truck and Smash Bros Melee, both playable on Wii. The control has really pushed it into an incredible machine. Since getting it I haven't played much on the 360 or even the PC. Where I used to play the DS when I was bored I now play the Wii.


macrumors 68020
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
I would say no. Not yet at least. Basically the A games ( Zelda, Paper Mario are the only two NON-VC games to get a 9.0+ on IGN) are just Gamecube games with a new control scheme slapped on to make them 'next-gen'. VC is cool but I don't like paying $14 cdn for a N64 game or $7 cdn for a NES game but thats just me. Web Browser is usable but won't replace your Mac/PC.

When/if 3rd party devs make games that are truly specific to the Wii then it will be awesome but until then you basically pay for xbox graphics with fancy controller.

Plus you don't really wanna play mario/metriod which are pretty much the best thing any Nintendo system puts out (at least since SNES) so thats another thing to consider.


macrumors 68030
Aug 1, 2004
For me it hasn't been a big of a hit as I would've wanted it to be. After Zelda I pretty much didn't play much at all. I'm a huge Nintendo fan but unitl some more hardcore gaming stuff come out, I won't be playing it. SSBM and Metroid I'm really lookin' forward to.


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2006
I'm happy with mine. I had the 360 and sold it. I regret it somewhat on some days. I don't usually have 3 hours to sit and play a game non stop...well rarely. On the 360 I always felt like I was forgetting the game or would have trouble getting back into a game if I took a few days off. The Wii is a little easier to jump onto. I didn't have the Cube so I'm enjoying that bit of things too. Just picked up Cube Paper Mario for 10 bucks new! Can't beat that.



macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
Well, I've been considering a Wii for some time now. I was supposed to get one for Christmas, but my parents couldn't get their hands on one. Since the Wii's becoming more available, I was actually thinking of purchasing one. Then I took a look at some of the games for it, and said "Ugh." I really don't care for the lineup of Wii games, mainly because I'm tired of all the same Nintendo characters, such as Mario and Metroid. But if I had the system, I would probably play them anyway.

Is the Wii really worth the money, even with the cheesy line up of games? What are your favorite games for it?


Grab a Wii, grab Zelda and Excite Truck and Super Paper Mario.

Those have kept me satisfied for now, but the truth is that we're going through the traditional summer games drought right now; there is a HUGE lineup of games coming this holiday season. Seriously, I'm going to be spending several hundred dollars in games.

Where the Wii really shines is as multiplayer. Even my mom will play Wii Sports Bowling with me. My sister and her friends that usually hate games will come over for four-player Wii Sports Tennis matches.


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
For me it hasn't been a big of a hit as I would've wanted it to be. After Zelda I pretty much didn't play much at all. I'm a huge Nintendo fan but unitl some more hardcore gaming stuff come out, I won't be playing it. SSBM and Metroid I'm really lookin' forward to.

Yeah, the summer games drought is a bummer; the DS did it too. Anyone remember this? The Wii had a decent launch lineup, then NOTHING for six months. People on the boards were selling their DS's and buying PSPs. Then the holiday season hit, Mario Kart hit, a flood of good games kept hitting and hitting, and soon people were selling the PSPs again for DSs.

I doubt it'll be the same with home consoles (people selling 360's or PS3's) because they're so different, but the Wii is already poised to make a huge Christmas comeback in terms of game availability. There is 1-2 MAJOR titles and a half dozen minor titles every month from July through December.


macrumors 68000
Jul 6, 2004
In a cup of orange juice.
I really enjoy my Wii. Unless you want the DVD option for some odd reason, it's worth it now.

Plenty of great games to play with friends. Games like Madden Wii are a clear step above what was offered on the PS360, because of the controls. I still haven't finished Zelda, Paper Mario, nor about a dozen other games counting my DS selection, so I'm nost sure what others are complaining about. It took me about 5 months to beat Magical Starsign. :eek:

And speaking of Wii, MARIO PARTY 8 this week!!! :D This game probably offends the hard-"corn" gamers that feel any game that doesn't offer up loads of pixelated blood and a story line written for a 12 year old is worth playing.



macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2006
I've been thinking about this more and more. It really seems like some super odd folks that never leave their house makes us feel like there's not enough games when they talk about things. I mean even on vacations I don't have that much time to play. Even if a game only offers 50 hours of gameplay that's a full time job for a week...are we really playing like that? Just because there's tons out doesn't mean we'll play tons you know? There are some great games on the 360 though if you have the time. If not go Wii...



macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
I've been thinking about this more and more. It really seems like some super odd folks that never leave their house makes us feel like there's not enough games when they talk about things. I mean even on vacations I don't have that much time to play. Even if a game only offers 50 hours of gameplay that's a full time job for a week...are we really playing like that? Just because there's tons out doesn't mean we'll play tons you know? There are some great games on the 360 though if you have the time. If not go Wii...


In the past I would have disagreed with you, but now that I'm working part time and in school...

I've almost finished Twilight Princess. I haven't beaten TP or SPM yet :( I at least did find time to beat Excite Truck and most of Rayman and Wii Play though.


Jan 18, 2005
The Wii browser just came in handy for me. Caroline's PC is on the blink again and I was after the legendaries on Pokemon. A quick look up on Gamefaqs and I was on my way :D Then I checked my email and messages. It's actually very useful, since Wii's don't get viruses or anything to worry about. TV, Wifi connection and you're good to go.

Just wish it had the ability to search text on pages.


macrumors 68000
Aug 12, 2005
Nashville, TN
Is the Wii really worth the money, even with the cheesy line up of games? What are your favorite games for it?

I don't know how "cheesy" the games are, really, but it was definitely worth the $250 it cost me. Twilight Princess isn't "cheesy," and while Wii Sports is simplistic (mostly a tech demo, really, to get you used to how to use the controller), I would hesitate to call it "cheesy."

YMMV, but I'd definitely rather spend $250 on a Wii than anything else.


macrumors 65816
Jul 26, 2005
I'm almost sold, and I'm not much of a gamer. Played Wii Sports a while back and had a hell of a time. Hadn't had so much fun with a video game system since the first time I played World Track Meet or whatever that was on the NES back in the late 80's.

Shotgun OS

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 18, 2006
Sooooooooo, no word from the OP yet eh? I guess he's too busy playing Wii!
Hey! I'm too busy studying for finals and finishing projects!;)

This vid on YouTube might help you make up your mind...


Ahahahaha. Yeah. I actually don't want a PS3 until some games that I want hit the stores. That videos hilarious, though. :D

I don't know how "cheesy" the games are, really, but it was definitely worth the $250 it cost me. Twilight Princess isn't "cheesy," and while Wii Sports is simplistic (mostly a tech demo, really, to get you used to how to use the controller), I would hesitate to call it "cheesy."

YMMV, but I'd definitely rather spend $250 on a Wii than anything else.
MY definition of cheesy usually involves cutesy graphics and games many 12 year olds would find amusing. :D I mean, come on: Super Monkey Ball does not sound like a game a teenager could waste 4 nights trying to beat. Thanks for your opinion, too.

I really enjoy my Wii. Unless you want the DVD option for some odd reason, it's worth it now.

Plenty of great games to play with friends. Games like Madden Wii are a clear step above what was offered on the PS360, because of the controls. I still haven't finished Zelda, Paper Mario, nor about a dozen other games counting my DS selection, so I'm nost sure what others are complaining about. It took me about 5 months to beat Magical Starsign. :eek:

And speaking of Wii, MARIO PARTY 8 this week!!! :D This game probably offends the hard-"corn" gamers that feel any game that doesn't offer up loads of pixelated blood and a story line written for a 12 year old is worth playing.


Well, I figure I'm going to try to get my friends to play the Wii with me. I mean, I barely play my PS2. So I'm figuring something like Mario Party would be the games I would be playing. Yet, I really wish there was some blood-spattering games for the Wii. I just restarted God of War II. ;)

I was considering waiting for the rumored 'DVD playback and different colored Wiis' but I don't think I'm going to.

I guess the majority of people seem to like the Wii. I have played one, and I think its great....except most of the games don't really appeal to me. As mentioned in an aboved post, most of the games are not really 'next-gen'; but the controls are. I think I'm still going to buy one, though. All I need is a little amusement out of the system to say I made a good choice. It's only about 300 bucks to have fun, right? Thats only a couple of full tanks of petrol...:rolleyes:

Thanks for all the feedback guys. :)


macrumors 68000
Jul 6, 2004
In a cup of orange juice.
I've been gaming on my PCs since the eighties, so to me, the PS360 really aren't next gen when it comes to visuals. The Wii is the first truly new experience in gaming that I've had in a long time, not counting the DS of course. Both caught me off guard. I had grown quite tired of thumb-twiddling, (Especially for games that should only be played with a mouse + keyboard, or something similar that can offer the samve level of speed and precision.) so seeing yesteryear's level of PC graphics on consoles with gimped-platformer-optimized-controls just has not appealed to me. But I'll still play on my friend's console none the less if someting interesting comes along, afterall thumb-mashing can still be fun.

Speaking of blood. I never played the full version of RE4 on my Cube beyond the demo, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and they're releasing a Wii version. :) The reason I did not buy it, was because it required the cumbersome-thumb-aiming. Anyway, I have my Wii setup so that the Wiimote is quite accurate, so I'm glad I hadn't got to it on the Cube.

Playing Mario Party 8 with my friends this weekend. We are all in our mid-thirties. This is the one series of Mario games that even my most hardened-PC-buddies will play. Mario Party 4 got way more play time than even Halo. :)



macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
I guess the majority of people seem to like the Wii.

Asking if the Wii is worth it here is like going to a Sony forum and asking if a PS3 is worth it.. or better yet go ask if you should buy a mac or a pc on this forum.. yes, its that biased.

As far as Mario Party 8 goes, I am disappointed. the menus are full screen 16:9 but the games themselves are 4:3 with colored bars making it fit a 16:9 screen. Really lame, cheap port way of programming, something i would not expect to see from a 1st party title at least. The games are so-so, but the lack of full 16:9 is a real dumb idea, that means in 4:3 its an even smaller screen.. great for multi-player when you can't see where you are at times, and I am on a 52" screen.

My Wii will probably start collecting dust again once i finish Paper Mario, I am on level 8 now so it shouldnt be too long :p

The Wii has its high points and its low points, but right now my opinion would be to hold off on it. Had I not bought one at launch i doubt I would until November or quite possibly January when Galaxy comes out.

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