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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 22, 2018
Hi guys,

So I have a Hue motion sensor that I use to activate my evening light. Mostly that's exactly what I want in the evening. The thing is: Sometimes I want colored light. But of course once I begin to move the motion sensor overwrites the colored light and it goes back to the evening light.

So the question is: Is there a fast and easy way to toggle an automation (the motion sensor automation in my case) on and off?

Thanks :)


macrumors 6502
Sep 7, 2014
Other than going into automations and toggling it to disable not sure. You might try seeing if you can create a Siri shortcut for that. Possibly even through say a third party app, like the eve app.


macrumors 601
May 27, 2008
Get the eve app, you can add conditions to automations.
the eve app runs alongside the home app, and accesses the same back end. it works for all homekit devices, and not just those from eve.
You have access to all your devices, and scenes from the home app. For automations you'll probably need to edit in the app that you made them
These enhanced automations will run just fine from whatever homehub you have.
One big difference, although easy to work around... Automations in the eve app will only play scenes, so you can't just have it set a light directly, so make sure you make a scene with the output you want, before starting to make the automation.

The eve app is also cool, because you can drag settings from one light to another, both in real time, and adjusting the value recorded in scenes.
You can also add/remove parameters from scenes. So you could make a scene that adjusts the brightness of a lamp, but doesn't touch the color. Or a scene that only turns the lamp on, meaning it should return to it's last state.

By conditions, I mean you can say...
"when motion sensor trips, and if _____ light is off, turn on ______ light"
you can do things like "less than / more than / equal to 50%" of any level you choose.
You can use any property of any device in your home as a condition, not just the dim level.

You'll probably also want to adjust your off automation also, so that if you're in "color" mode, it won't turn off.

My recommendation...
for your on.
"if motion detector trips, and floor light is off, set floor light to 98% and white"
You can use whatever percentage and color you want, just make the percentage a number you're not likely to set it to like 50 or 100 percent. Your eyes are probably not likely to notice a difference between 98 and 100%

then for the off
"if motion detector goes off, and floor light is 98%, then turn off floor light"
by using a "non-standard" percentage, you make it so the off command only runs when that light was turned on by the on automation.
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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 22, 2018
Thanks so much for the detailed response, I'll have a look at the Eve app.
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