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macrumors newbie
Feb 14, 2003
an apartment
iSight in a display?

I think powerbook displays are going to OLED in a few years, which means their displays will be really thin. Does Apple want to push CCD into their displays at this point of time? :confused:


macrumors member
Jan 14, 2003
Saskatoon, Canada
Small cameras..

Just a little FYI for everyone about laptops and small cameras..

Here in Japan, we've had cameras in our cellular phones here since late 2000. My newest phone has a megapixel camera capable of recording up to 3 minutes of video (all on 8 megs of memory). The camera is built into the top of the flip-phone, along with a flash, and the whole thing is only about 1cm thick.

So, as for the technology existing to do this right, it's there, and Apple will have easy access to it.

Expect a bluetooth capable phone that will be "iSight technology" compatible within the next 12 months. Apple is always thinking ahead. "iSight technology" is more about enabling iChat AV and delivering "video conferencing for the rest of us" than it is about snazzy firewire cameras.

Videophones are nothing new, but a simple and easy-to-use implementation of them.. that's something special.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2003
Brooklyn - NYC
Re: Re: it's all true!

Originally posted by paulwhannel
But what if your coming here translates through the applied-chaos theory (a butterfly flaps it's wings in Monaco and it rains in New York) causes the timeline to skew and digital cameras never make it into *any* hardware, causing your parents never to video-chat for the first time, and hook up, and have a shotgun wedding that resulted in you? Then you couldn't have come at all, meaning none of this would have happened. Meaning, essentially, that this conversation doesn't exist. I'm making toast in the kitchen right now.




you're crazy...

but i like it.
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