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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 7, 2014

I do not know if I am alone here, or if others have the same view, but I have found that text wiring and editing on the iOS a constant nightmare.

Its the simple things
Spell check "does not work" as in a word can be clearly misspelled, but for some reason iOS will not mark it so, and clicking on the work does not bring up the spell check pop up, but the copy/look up/share menu. Usually if it is at the end of a sentence, for some reason.
Getting the cursor to the exact spot is a chore as iOS keeps second guessing where you want it. In particular, you cannot place it in the middle of a word without selecting the word. (You then have to tab away, tap and hold to bring up the magnifier to place the cursor where you need it)
If you select a sentence and want to move it around, iOS for reasons I cannot explain just searches for that text string. I can see I am moving it correctly, I am placing it with my finger, but as soon as I release, iOS decides that I want to "search with Google" and reloads the page to the Google SERP. Obviously the previous page and everything I wrote there is gone.

Maybe its my fat fingers, but comon, does that mean everyone with king Charles hands cannot use iPads? :(
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