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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2010
New York, NY
The iPad is taking a swipe at two markets...

The e-readers

and the Netbooks.

It's going to take more from the e-readers, but probably a fair chunk of the netbooks two.

Also, i see one other market.


I remember when my family had a mac back in the early 90's before we switched to XP. I was maybe 6 or 7 at the time. My father and mother used the computer for everything you'd use a computer for, but as a kid, my father didn't want me using the computer with full access. What if i deleted something important?

So my father had a user account for me to use whenever i wanted to use the computer. It was a single screen with different icons for applications, mostly the games i liked to play (sound familiar?). That user system was sort of like training wheels for the whole computer.

I think the iPad will be a good product for parents who want to get there kids something they can check their email on or play a game or two, and have music/movies to listen to/look at... without taking up time on the home computer. The interface for the iPad is very similar to the interface i used for my computer years ago. A simple, limited OS for using different applications one at a time.

So now a busy working parent who wants to get work done but his kids are on their computer all the time can pick up an iPad for the kids so they don't fight over the computer.

Those are my thoughts on what the tablet can do for us. What do you think?


macrumors newbie
Dec 24, 2009
I think you are on the right track...but it is even better. My 3 year old has been playing games on my iPhone for a year now. It will even work for kids that can't type or use a mouse. Once I put in the passcode, she can navigate to the right page, and start up whatever App she wants. And there are already many great educational apps for her age.

It is totally the first real PC for the toddler / pre-K market.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2010
New York, NY
itouch my friend

The iPod touch is for moblie use. The way i'm seeing this device is as more of a house fixture.

"momy i wanna check my e-mail"

"i'm busy honey, go use the iPad"


"hey mom watch this funny youtube video"

"i'm on the computer right now, show me on the iPad."


macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2009
Or for your elderly parents whom never used a computer before. It's simple as pie to use. It instantly turns on and just touch with your finger. There's nothing they can screw up, and they have full access to the interweb, photos and maybe even do a little reading on it. :D


macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 20, 2010
New York, NY
exactly, they were never going to make a tablet mac OS X. Tablets didn't work then and even apple can't make them work now.

This is a brilliant product for the casual web surfer, the very young or very old, the constant traveler, and the e-readers.

Love the sig btw
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