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macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
That’s a given though. Windows 10 had some major gaffs in some releases and some folks here mentioned W11 is not quite ready yet.

Perhaps what is surprising to some is how increasingly sloppy Apple’s software releases are (to say nothing of ongoing hardware issues and hubris thinking.)

Ordered a Windows machine for work and school with W10 loaded.

I’ve learned the hard way there is no perfect machine or OS.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I wouldn't think anyone in 2021, would think that Microsoft, Google, or others, would release a bug free operating system. Operating systems are incredibly complex, with an unhealthy mixture of old code, short cuts and just plain messy coding.

Many on forum are quick to say that Apple's software releases are buggy
Yes, partly because Apple tends to promote themselves as superior in everyway. If you're going to say how much better you are, then you better deliver on that promise.

I've been out of the loop on macOS versions for the past couple of years, but it seems there were a lot of complaints for Big Sur when it was released. We'll have to wait and see about this version that's going to be released soon (or has it been released?) For me, what's surprising is that MS' first public release was as stable as it was, and by and large I've not heard too many complaints about issues - short of this for Ryzen users. I'm sure there will be other bugs being discussed/complained about - no question.


macrumors 603
May 30, 2018
M1users were too marveled over the battery and performance of the MacBook
and did not realize the bugs Big Sur offered.
seems to me  releases buggy software that should not be beta
as the final product knowing they will release updates next week.

oh how does one delete a file(s0 in Catalina 10.16.7 with entering a password?
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