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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 15, 2004
Houston, TX
Hello people. I was wondering if there is some terminal command or something else I can do to get iTunes to store its login cookies in a folder other than the Safari cookie folder. I use Safari as my default browser and frequently clear history, cookies, etc just for privacy and performance issues. Every time I do that I have to reenter my iTunes credentials, which makes it seems like iTunes stores its cookies in the Safari folder.

Is there a good reason for this? It seems asinine to me, especially as Apple wants its users to use iTunes and Safari. Why do this when they must know some people clear Safari cache and cookies often? It really irritates me, and I was hoping someone might chime in with a fix or workaround (other than use a different browser).

I'm up to date on everything, but this behavior has persisted for years in every version of OS X with iTunes and Safari for as long as I can remember.

I apologize in advance if this has been discussed already. I did a search and couldn't find an answer to my question. Thanks!
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