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macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
Cape Cod

I hope Apple doesn't screw up, and find some way to not make iTunes work on Linux. Now I can finally use iTunes on my Linux machine, and not some crappy 3rd party app.

The more people using iTunes and iTMS, the better.


macrumors 601
musicpyrite said:
I don't see any reason that the iPod wouln't be supported.

Whats the point of using iTunes with out the ability to use the iPod?

I figured that it would be supported, but I was also wondering if it works with other jukebox software MusicMatch/Windows(pre-iTunes) style.


macrumors G3
Aug 30, 2003
stoid said:
Does/will the iPod work on Linux?
Sure, people use them that way all the time. It's just another removable disk as far as the host computer is concerned, and there are programs available to generate the song database and all that.


macrumors member
May 2, 2002
In non-related news someone also ported libOpenDAAP to Xbox Media Center, so you can also access your iTunes shares on your xbox... that is if you know how to get started :)


macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2003
musicpyrite said:
I hope Apple doesn't screw up,
Apple doesn't make the port. CodeWeavers make tools that let you run your window apps on linux. (being first to post sometimes hurts)

And of course the great feature Linux guys are waiting for is the iTunes Music store (if that works). Maybe it is even the first store for Linux. Although my personal opinion is still that I don't understand why people bother to use an Operating System that best suits a network router. Windows 2000 is even a billion times better. But that is an entirely different topic.


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
Cape Cod
isgoed said:
Apple doesn't make the port. CodeWeavers make tools that let you run your window apps on linux. (being first to post sometimes hurts)

As redkore pointed out, I know that Apple is not the one that is doing the porting, CodeWeavers is.

What I don't want Apple to do is come out with iTunes V 4.7, that specifically prevents CodeWeavers from porting iTunes to Linux.

Although it would be nice if Apple came out with iTunes for Linux, instead of CodeWeavers.


macrumors 6502a
musicpyrite said:
As redkore pointed out, I know that Apple is not the one that is doing the porting, CodeWeavers is.

What I don't want Apple to do is come out with iTunes V 4.7, that specifically prevents CodeWeavers from porting iTunes to Linux.

Although it would be nice if Apple came out with iTunes for Linux, instead of CodeWeavers.

Just to nit-pick, CodeWeavers isn't actually porting iTunes. They've simply improved their own piece of software, CrossOver Office, so that iTunes will successfully execute.

That's not to say Apple couldn't make changes to prevent it from working in the future. I just get the impression people thing CodeWeavers actually took Apple's code and reworked it to run in Linux.

Brother Michael

macrumors 6502a
Apr 14, 2004
Is there any particular reason why Apple does not want to expand iTunes (or shown any interest previously) into the Linux market? I mean isn't the Linux market share about as big as Apples (I know in my house Apple and Linux are tied!)

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