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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 27, 2008
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I am Brazilian, and I want to buy an iPhone... The thing is that I want access to the US AppStore to be able to get the awesome applications they have... the thing is that since I live in Brazil, billing address is Brazilian, I can access only the Brazilian Store.

I tried using my Cosins billing address in California, but it says that the billing address doesn't match the credit card (from what the Bank data says)...

I have no idea how I can get access to the US Store, or a user that I could use for the US store...

help please :(


macrumors 6502
May 16, 2006
You can create accounts from any countries store without setting payment.
I don't know why Apple left this hole, but you can create it through appstore.

Log out of your account.
Go to main iTunes store page, select country to whatever you wish.
Go to a page of a free app (scroll down the page, on the right), select get app.
It will pop a dialog, select create new account.
Follow the instructions. On the payment page, there will be option "none".
Select none and follow along, and you created an account without payment.
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