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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 2, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Hello everyone!

When I bought my MacBook Pro about a week and a half ago, I bought iWork along with it is it is 30 bucks cheaper when bought along with a new computer. Yesterday I finally opened it and decided to install it. Now when after I installed it, every time I ran the program it just crashed (like showed the error report screen every time it started up). After I downloaded software updates for iWork it did not crash anymore. Now when I start up iWork, it requires a serial number. The instructions for that windows say: "If you have a boxed DVD copy, then insert the disc into the computer and follow the on-screen directions." I did exactly that, the installation finished, I clicked close - and that window pops up (after software updates) when I run any iWork program.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to remove that? The boxed copy is legitimate... what is this serial number nonsense they are asking me for?


EDIT: I got it resolved.

After a bit more digging around, I found this thread on the Apple forums.

The one in which a guy tells in detail of what folders to delete/change/edit is the fix, if anyone needs it.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2007
Covington, WA, USA
You now need to delete the trial & then reinstall from the boxed DVD. The files to delete are the iWork ’09 folder from the main HD > Applications; the iWork ’09 folder in HD > Library > Application Support & the individual iWork application plist files found in HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences for each user.

Yvan Koenig has written an AppleScript that removes the files. You can find it on his iDisk at in For_iWork > iWork '09 > uninstall iWork '
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