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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 21, 2015

I'm doing this for the first time, although I have some idea about how its done. Here is the situation:

I'm on iPad Mini 16 GB with iOS 6.x Untethered

I want to update to iOS 8.1 Untethered

The problem:

1. I do not want to lose my music on the iPad
2. If I restore using iTunes and then update, I'll have no option but to go to iOS 8.2. Is it possible to then return to iOS 8.1 jailbreak ?

3. Fastest way to do that?


macrumors 601
Oct 14, 2007
As far as I'm aware if you update you'll be moved to ios 8.2 and be stuck on stock , lose your jailbreak with no option to downgrade ios and then have to wait until a new jailbreak tool is out.

Any reason to want to move from where you are at present ?


macrumors 601
Oct 14, 2007
Apps not working and tired of iOS 6

Possible to upgrade only to iOS 8.1 and not 8.2 - probably with Pangu tool?

Ah I see.

And No I'm afraid it's just not possible to move to iOS 8.2 and then down to iOS 8.1.2 etc

Once  stops signing off an iOS its not possible to move backwards.
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