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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 15, 2008
Hey guys,

I have a had a lot of trouble finding information on if I can jailbreak a new atv2. I have read you can't do it without having done it on 4.1, but then i read that they then took the authentication protocol out.

Does anyone have any advice on how to jailbreak an ATV2 running 4.2.1 and setting it up?

Does anyone have a place to discuss this with people that have more in depth knowledge (I haven't been able to find a blog where they update the status of atv2 or a good forum)


macrumors member
Jun 21, 2007
No easy jailbreak for 4.1, although its supposed to be out soon. The only way so far is the 'tether' jailbreak, which is a little bit tough.


macrumors member
Oct 12, 2005
I wouldn't jailbreak as of now. The apple tv still needs to be rebooted every once in a while and the tethered thing can be a pain in the ass.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2007
Littleton, CO
I wouldn't jailbreak as of now. The apple tv still needs to be rebooted every once in a while and the tethered thing can be a pain in the ass.
I have no problem tethering it, but I thought there was no jailbreak for the 4.2 on the appletv2, if there is can you provide a link


macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2007
Jailbreak ATV2

Why don't you all wait until there is something you can really do with a jailbroken Apple TV. Right now, there is not much you can do with it that's worth all the aggravation of getting it jailbroken.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2007
Littleton, CO
Why don't you all wait until there is something you can really do with a jailbroken Apple TV. Right now, there is not much you can do with it that's worth all the aggravation of getting it jailbroken.
ah yes there is, it's called PLEX!! killer feature that I miss, basically using my appletv for video podcasts till I get Plex running again


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2007
Littleton, CO
I believe nitoTV, once installed, fixes this.
for the life of me I can't get the tethering hack to work...I'm really good at this stuff too, stay away from this will drive you crazy!!!:mad:

how do you install Nito with no wifi or ethernet connection? can you still SSH w/ out internet?


macrumors newbie
Nov 26, 2007
for the life of me I can't get the tethering hack to work...I'm really good at this stuff too, stay away from this will drive you crazy!!!:mad:

how do you install Nito with no wifi or ethernet connection? can you still SSH w/ out internet?

Yeah I'd love to know the answer to this I finally made it through all the steps but no wifi ... It's almost more about the challenge of getting it to work now than jailbreaking it
I was trying to ssh w/O wifi too an no luck


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2011
Is this thread dead?

I have tried most of the above as well on Windows and Mac. I either get the "wrong firmware bundle selected" from some tools or from others, "invalid .ipsw". I have tried the 4.2 (8C150) as well as 4.2.1 (8C154) and neither works. Tinyumbrella does not see my ATV2 (does see my iPhone though) so I cannot downgrade and use the 4.1 IPSW that apparently did work before Apple upgrade to 4.2.1.

If someone has made this work please reply...



macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2007
Littleton, CO
I have tried most of the above as well on Windows and Mac. I either get the "wrong firmware bundle selected" from some tools or from others, "invalid .ipsw". I have tried the 4.2 (8C150) as well as 4.2.1 (8C154) and neither works. Tinyumbrella does not see my ATV2 (does see my iPhone though) so I cannot downgrade and use the 4.1 IPSW that apparently did work before Apple upgrade to 4.2.1.

If someone has made this work please reply...

no one has found a solution for this...there is a thread about ATVFlash working, but you have to pay 20 bucks for it, don't know how they get it to work, I refuse to pay for any hacking


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2011
Thanks...and aTV Flash

Thanks for the confirmation. I am just a bit surprised that I havent seen more threads about people failing in ATV2 4.1.2 jailbreaks. Maybe there just arent that many people trying yet.

I bought aTV Flash (Black) but am having the same issue with it. To use it the phone must be jailbroken so that the application can be installed. They sent me a message that they are working on their own jailbreak and install tool/process.

This is what they told me On 4-Jan: "We're sorry for the trouble. In addition to aTV Flash (black) we're working on new jailbreak app that is specifically designed for the AppleTV. We're hoping to have the first beta version of this available within the next 1-2 weeks. -Fire Core Support"

They never really confirmed that it couldnt currently be jailbroken or that some were succesfull, but I think their message at least says that there is a need for them to work on their own jailbreak.


macrumors regular
Nov 29, 2007
Appletvblogr dot com is a good source of info

I have tried most of the above as well on Windows and Mac. I either get the "wrong firmware bundle selected" from some tools or from others, "invalid .ipsw". I have tried the 4.2 (8C150) as well as 4.2.1 (8C154) and neither works. Tinyumbrella does not see my ATV2 (does see my iPhone though) so I cannot downgrade and use the 4.1 IPSW that apparently did work before Apple upgrade to 4.2.1.

If someone has made this work please reply...

The guys at appletvblogr dot com have some decent instructions on how to jailbreak 4.2.1 and on the TV2 in general.

They also have instructions re: Tiny Umbrella (you have to manually add your TV2 using it's ECID).


macrumors 6502
Jan 30, 2008
We have also just updated instructions on how to install Plex on your jailbroken Apple TV. The servers at Ambertation have been down for a while but they are back up so if you would like to see an easy to follow guide on how to get the latest Plex up and running check below:


Thanks, iphoneblogr. You've done a great job of summarizing and publishing the essential bits from the Plex forums.

One question. Can I upgrade my version 0.5.7 client to the latest version using the following commands if I had originally installed according to your January 7th instructions?

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2011
Appletvblogr dot com ROCKS!

These are not only great links, but well written and clear and provide for possible challenges that one might run into.

I wish I would have found appletvblogr earlier. I bet it will move up in Google searches fast.

That said, I was able to get tinyumbrella to recognize my ATV2 with the power cord also plugged in...not even a need to type the custome ECID which is hard to find on a PC vs. Mac.

Question #1: Is there no way to downgrade my ATV to 4.1 if I didnt save my own SSHs? Is there any way to take someone else's 4.1 SSHs and edit them up with any device/unit specific information from my ATV2?

Question #2: Why do Appletvblogr links lock up my crappy Internet explorer windows (on 2 computer) until after 1-2 mins I get an out of memory error and then everything is cool?

When I tried the original jailbreak instructions posted elsewhere for pwnage and the 4.2.1, I received the "invalid firmware bundle" message other received and I could not proceed. These instruction did not have all the Mac terminal and more complete details as the appletvblogr ones do. I am about to go borrown the MacBook again to try as my PC doesnt look to be the way to go.

Question #3: WON'T I have the same problem with pwnage not seeing the 4.2.1 IPSW as valid again, or is there somethign different about this package in the instructions that will make the 4.2.1 IPSW cool to pwnage?

Question #4: Where was appletvblogr when during Christmas and when I had more time to mess with this ATV2? !!!!!

I love someone who knows how to fill a hole the market--go appletvblogr go!



macrumors member
Nov 2, 2010
Thank you guys for the great feedback! It is always good to hear that people are finding our posts useful and helpful.

To answer your question of where were we during Christmas, we were right here just under the radar :)

My partner Euan and I started our iPhone jailbreaking website back in June. It wasn't until recently(November or so) that Euan purchased an AppleTV which is what sparked the creation of our sister-site He wanted to make a write-up and video tutorial on jailbreaking the Apple TV and we decided instead of posting it on iPhoneBlogr we would create a new site devoted only to the AppleTV.

Hopefully with our continued support from fans like you all, we will continue to be able to provide easy-to-follow tutorials on everything dealing with AppleTV jailbreak for years to come!


macrumors member
Nov 2, 2010
Thanks, iphoneblogr. You've done a great job of summarizing and publishing the essential bits from the Plex forums.

One question. Can I upgrade my version 0.5.7 client to the latest version using the following commands if I had originally installed according to your January 7th instructions?

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Correct, just SSH into your ATV and run those two commands to update Plex to the most current version which at the time I am writing this post is 0.6.2


macrumors member
Nov 2, 2010
Question #1: Is there no way to downgrade my ATV to 4.1 if I didnt save my own SSHs? Is there any way to take someone else's 4.1 SSHs and edit them up with any device/unit specific information from my ATV2?
Correct, just like on the iPhone/iPad/iPT you must have your SHSH blobs saved in order to downgrade. There is no way to generate these keys as each SHSH blob is unique for each individual device and firmware combination. There have been rumors in the iPhone Scene that a future version of TinyUmbrella will allow you to downgrade to any previous firmware without the use of SHSH blobs.

Question #2: Why do Appletvblogr links lock up my crappy Internet explorer windows (on 2 computer) until after 1-2 mins I get an out of memory error and then everything is cool?
That is a good question, I am not aware of the problem since I personally believe IE is one of the worst internet browsers ever made and I have been using Firefox for years, however, I will see what I can do to fix this :)

Question #3: WON'T I have the same problem with pwnage not seeing the 4.2.1 IPSW as valid again, or is there somethign different about this package in the instructions that will make the 4.2.1 IPSW cool to pwnage?
Follow the instructions here, you have to use a custom firmware bundle for 4.2.1 tethered jailbreak


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2011
appletvbloger instructions--help with steps 7-9??

Thanks for the help so far. I have gotten a lot further with the instructions on

I am able to get through restoring the custom bundle in step 6 successfully which is a lot better than invalid firmware bundle many of us received before!

Please help with the following though:

I execute step 7 with USB, then once booted add the power cord as instructed bu then Step 8 does NOT!!! give me any DFU mode error that I can see, but instead tells me: “dyld: unknown required load command 0×80000022 Trace/BPT Trap”

(QUESTION 1) At least I am assuming this is not the DFU mode complaint the instructions refer to or is this the expected error?

But I went on to step 9 anyway and never seemed to get it into DFU mode this way.

(QUESTION 2) The instructions for step 9 start “Connect your Apple TV with your computer via MicroUSB” BUT I am already connected with POWER and USB from STEP 7… Am I supposed to unplug both cables after step 8 and for step 9 only reconnect with MicroUSB?

(QUESTION 3) While trying to enter DFU mode in step 9 every now and then I see a message about verifying something in itunes but never see itunes say that the ATV is in recovery mode.

(QUESTION 4) Assuming I get the following 3 points addressed and get into DFU mode, is the output refered to as “Successfull output from tethered boot…” going to show up in the same terminal window I have been using all along or somewhere else?

Final question (QUESTION 5) in step 10 when it refers to repeating steps 7-9 every time you restart the ATV, does this mean while trying to get into DFU mode, or is this refering to after the jailbreak is completed and the ATV is being used with HDMI and the TV???

Please help. I am sure others have similar questions from what I have seen everywhere else.

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