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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 3, 2006

Has anyone installed JFlex on mac before? I am using Tiger and have the latest java 1.5. The problem i am facing is installing JFlex on my machine, I am new to mac and it also doesn't help that the documentation the website( doesn't include help for mac.

well my questions are is it possible to install JFlex on mac using the UNIX instructions as provided on the website? and what is this:

ln -s /usr/share/JFlex/bin/jflex /usr/bin/jflex

does this go in the terminal window?

although whenever i do that, the terminal reports that "Permission Denied".

Please help.
Thanks alot.


macrumors 603
Jul 23, 2002
Holly Springs, NC
cyrusyrus said:
well my questions are is it possible to install JFlex on mac using the UNIX instructions as provided on the website? and what is this:

ln -s /usr/share/JFlex/bin/jflex /usr/bin/jflex

does this go in the terminal window?

You should be able to use the UNIX instructions. The ln -s command creates a symbolic link in the /usr/bin directory that points at the executable. Yes, you do type this in terminal, but in OS X you will need to prefix that command with sudo such that the command executes as superuser.

ln -s /usr/share/JFlex/bin/jflex /usr/bin/jflex

would become
sudo ln -s /usr/share/JFlex/bin/jflex /usr/bin/jflex
then enter your password.

Of course you don't have to create the symlink, it only helps because then you won't have to type the full path to the command everytime. Also of note, there are other ways to add this jflex command to the PATH, but follow those directions and you should be golden.
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