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Jun 22, 2007
And so here a man from that industry is, suggesting that if a woman wants to listen to music, she'd better call her (likely male) DJ friends because she'll never figure it out on her own, what does she know about music?
What? That's an absurd conclusion one derived from the statement.
So you are saying that anybody that tries to make a product or services that cater to women are sexist since they are implying that women couldn't use their products/services normally without men?

Are you a republican?


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
I would admit conservatives are intolerant. I think that's what you mean; not politically correct. Tolerance is a whole different game; taking things in stride. Folks don't have to be accepting, embracing, or like what people do, but humans should have tolerance.

Also, people can get offended. There's nothing wrong with being offended. I'm offended about sloths and morons, but what can I do?


Which is exactly what happens if somebody is simply offended.


Political correctness gone mad is just an intolerance of people who say slightly the wrong thing.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Jim Dalrymple went on an Apple Music rant on Twitter today. He even said "anything is far better than Apple Music". It's pretty bad when Apple loses someone like Jim Dalrymple on a music product.

Google just hired the do-founder of VMware to run their cloud business. Apple spends $3B on crappy headphones and Jimmy Iovine.

According to John Gruber the Beats deal was all Eddy Cue. He was the one advocating it inside the company. I think Eddy needs to go or at least be demoted. Cook should bring someone in who knows how to run services and gets the cloud.

Apple Music just got an exclusive interview with Adele for her album launch after Radio 1 got the exclusive with Adele for her single. That isn't bad for a new station.


macrumors 68000
Mar 22, 2010
Political correctness gone mad is just an intolerance of people who say slightly the wrong thing.

We need to come up with a similar catchy slogan for people over-reacting to a few outlying opinions.

How about Social Mania?

Political Correctness ignites a new round of Social Mania!!!

Film at eleven.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2012
This is pretty pathetic as a news report, but then Iovine strikes me as a guy who's pretty smart yet incredibly bad at public speaking and handling publicity in general. That's a pretty dopey thing to say to the press.
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2008
America is hilarious. CNN or CBS is one minute calling for airstrikes to bomb the crap out of some country and on the other reporting someone saying boo to a dear. Outright hypocrisy. It's like that fool walking around New York with a camera strapped to her butt and calling every comment verbal rape. Bring back real journalism. There is a story here, it's that you guys need to take your country back from the news media who tell you how and what to think.

Coming from a guy who has an American film as his avatar and handle... You seem to enjoy our media.


macrumors 65816
May 29, 2008
Is Apple Music still going? I might install it on my cube and use Ping to tell someone about it...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
This not political correctness, it's just sheer idiocy.
English is not my first language, and I can still make the difference between "all" and "some". Norah O'donell told him she finds it hard to find music, and Iovine says some women finds it hard to find music. Norah O'donell doesn't represent all women on the planet, just like Iovine doesn't represent all men on the planet. Some women and some men finds it difficult to find music, yes.

If you can't see the difference between "all" and "some", either :
- English isn't your first language, and so it's understandable that you make the confusion.
- English is your first language and you are confusing "all" and "some' , because you're an idiot.
- English is your first language and you are deliberately confusing "all" and "some'" because you're trying to create a fake buzz ( for monetary reasons usually )

Since this was mostly reported on american english speaking media, I guess the second and third options are the right ones.
Therefore some journalists are complete idiots or dishonest liers. And they will interpret the last phrase as "all journalists are idiots or dishonest liers".

This one of those cases where suing (for slander) a media for deliberately distorting what you've said is justified.
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macrumors 6502a
May 30, 2003
All this "outrage" over women's rights here yet these same people embrace Islam like they treat women (and homosexuals) so much better. Hypocrisy and hybole are the democrat's tools...


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2010
Seems like he is talking about whoever was in the background, she even says "he's talking about me because I told him..."...

I mean, come on people.


macrumors 68040
Sep 2, 2006
United States
Is that what you took away from the quote? I sounded to me like he was trying to solve a problem some girls have... when they're sitting around talking or heartbroken, it is helpful to have an easy way to listen to a playlist that fits with their mood, and that is what Apple Music provides. He's not saying all girls do is talk about boys or are shallow, I think he was giving a real example (most girls do this) and providing a solution to the problem of not being able to instantly procure a fitting playlist. Unless you were being sarcastic, which seems more likely.

Having a lot of female friends, and I do mean a lot.... I can totally agree...

I've watched many of my female friends try and pick music that fit their fluctuating moods between sadness and rage during a breakup.

I've sat with them, consoled them, listened to their stories, listened as they went over the same stuff multiple times, providing a shoulder to cry on, and encouragement.

One minute they'll want music that is about how terrible guys are, the next a song about how much they miss someone, and then a song about how he deserves the rage that's coming, and then how things will work out.

Breakups are tough. Some women take them hard. Some go through a roller coaster of emotions that range from taking the guy back, to killing him, to feeling sorry for them, to making them pay for breaking their hearts, to wanting to work things out, to how worthless he was as a man, to back to killing him, then back to getting back together.

And the music they listen to tends to follow the same pattern. I can't tell you how many times they've played the same song and told me how it relates to something with that man. And how many times they've asked me to help them pick music when they wanted a different song.

Perhaps letting them hit play on a playlist made for that would be nice. I'm not a bitter person, and I'm very happy by nature. So helping someone find the right sad song isn't my strongest skill.

Letting them start a playlist that's already there would allow us to focus more on the talking and processing of feelings.
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Jun 25, 2014
Having a lot of female friends, and I do mean a lot.... I can totally agree...

I've watched many of my female friends try and pick music that fit their fluctuating moods between sadness and rage during a breakup.

I've sat with them, consoled them, listened to their stories, listened as they went over the same stuff multiple times, providing a shoulder to cry on, and encouragement.

One minute they'll want music that is about how terrible guys are, the next a song about how much they miss someone, and then a song about how he deserves the rage that's coming, and then how things will work out.

Breakups are tough. Some women take them hard. Some go through a roller coaster of emotions that range from taking the guy back, to killing him, to feeling sorry for them, to making them pay for breaking their hearts, to wanting to work things out, to how worthless he was as a man, to back to killing him, then back to getting back together.

And the music they listen to tends to follow the same pattern. I can't tell you how many times they've played the same song and told me how it relates to something with that man. And how many times they've asked me to help them pick music when they wanted a different song.

Perhaps letting them hit play on a playlist made for that would be nice. I'm not a bitter person, and I'm very happy by nature. So helping someone find the right sad song isn't my strongest skill.

Letting them start a playlist that's already there would allow us to focus more on the talking and processing of feelings.

I can't say the word because I would be banned, but God you're that.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
Why "shouldn't" I be offended?

I have a daughter. She's great with technology. You're saying I "shouldn't" be proud of that fact and tell the world?

Because she is and I love saying so, even if you think I shouldn't. She's not worse at finding music than anyone else.

What he said had NOTHING to do with a woman's technical ability to curate a playlist. He was merely saying that there is so much content in Apple Music that it can be difficult to find just the right mix of music for a particular occasion and they are trying to make it easier to search. Mentioning women was specific to the morning show's discussion of the commercial showing women and Gale King specifically said she was disappointed she played any part in creating that situation with him. It embarrasses me as a woman when other women blow things like this out of context and out of proportion. THAT makes women look bad, not what Iovine said.


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
Many women are less tech savvy - just compare the number of men vs. women in STEM fields.

Unfortunately, that's true. But I truly believe many women self-limit their technical abilities in the desire to remain attractive to men who are intimidated by smart women (or the girls get that feedback from one important boy and extrapolate it to all boys from then on). My own father once told me the reason I had so few friends (few in his opinion) was because I was "too smart". I think he had an issue about himself not completing high school. Studies have shown that more girls excel in STEM subjects than boys up until about puberty. Fortunately, I don't want a man who is intimidated by my brains. And maybe one reason I've been single for so long is because it's hard for me to find an equal in that department and I pass on too many potential men, but so be it.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
All this "outrage" over women's rights here yet these same people embrace Islam like they treat women (and homosexuals) so much better. Hypocrisy and hybole are the democrat's tools...

Hyperbole and hypocrisy is the right wing thinking all muslims and only muslims oppress women. There are about as many christians and jewish sects oppressing women's rights and the bible is rife with passages putting women at a lower status than men. It may not be as obvious as stoning but putting the rights of an unborn fetus above the rights of women, blocking a woman's right to vote up until the 1920s, and not guaranteeing a woman will be paid the same as a man in the same job is oppression of women. And preventing homosexuals from marrying and adopting children is also oppression committed by non-muslim right wingers, not to mention how Russia treats homosexuals in a more violent way and how American protestants teach people in Africa to hate.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
Why "shouldn't" I be offended?

I have a daughter. She's great with technology. You're saying I "shouldn't" be proud of that fact and tell the world?

Because she is and I love saying so, even if you think I shouldn't. She's not worse at finding music than anyone else.

You know that women, just like men, are not machine-made clones of each other , right ? Everyone is different. Women are not all alike, just like men are not all alike.

Your daughter may be good with technology , but that's not case with a lot of women. I'm very good with technology, but many of my male friends are not very good with technology. Actually, most people in general are not very good with technology.
This ad is not targeted towards people like your daughter. It's targeted towards women who are not good with technology. Maybe they will do another ad specifically targeted towards men who are not good with tech also.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
I am honestly curious why.

I'm a dude. This guy thinks I'm better at finding music and you're worse at it.

Because of our genders alone.

That honesty doesn't bother you? Do you think it's true?
Perhaps because she makes a difference between "some women" ( wich is what Iovine said) and "all women" ?

I'm honestly curious why you think that women, unlike men, can't differentiate between "all" and "some" ?
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