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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 14, 2007
I love apple soo much and what i really want to do is be a Mac "Genius" at an apple store..... that is my dream job and really all i want to do with my life.... dose anyone know what i have to know what you need to know (any classes that apple forces you to do to get the job)



Jan 22, 2007
my friend applied for a job there and he called everyday for a month only to find out that the manager had just stepped out for lunch or just left. it was ridiculous trying to get a job there.


macrumors 68020
Dec 27, 2006
Its a cool job, but I think they make between 20-30k a year. It might be hard to support a family on it unless you already have some descent savings or your significant other had a full time job as well.

The Apple Stores that I have been too aren't in cheap areas to live in, so then factor in a commute.

No idea about the health care, but if you get health care included, thats a good plus, but I wouldn't hold my breath.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 14, 2007
Its a cool job, but I think they make between 20-30k a year. It might be hard to support a family on it unless you already have some descent savings or your significant other had a full time job as well.

The Apple Stores that I have been too aren't in cheap areas to live in, so then factor in a commute.

No idea about the health care, but if you get health care included, thats a good plus, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

if bilo gives heath care im sure apple dose.... and when you own a peace of 15 million dollar lake land..... and another 300 more acres of land on top of that.....


macrumors 68020
Dec 27, 2006
huh? Not sure what bilo is, but I meant health care that you don't have to pay into. However, I guess these aren't concerns for you.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 10, 2007
Rocket City, AL
Just cut to the chase and apply at Cupertino. I have been trolling their job listings for a while. I wonder if giving your username on MR in your resume would help.


Retail is for college students. If that is you, rock on. I am spoiled by insurance and and not being called "Boy" anymore. But, I would work in the freaking accounting department if it was for Apple!


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
Yea, sometimes too much information is bad. But, how much could it really hurt? :D

Because if you were at all serious about working at Apple and if you've been on these forums for at least 3 months you would know that this site, as well as any other site like it is considered to be a "bad" site and in your NDA that you WILL sign you will agree to NEVER visit these sites or at least post on them. Why start off with telling HR that you're a potential liability? Sure, they know you're probably a member of some site like this, but why shove it down their throat?

To the OP, aim higher than a job that pays just over min wage. Seriously. Now if that is your dream job until you turn say 25 or something sure...that's fine, but aim higher. And if you want a job there, apply. If they're interested in you they'll hire you. They want both the fan boy and the boy that can fix something. You have to be both, being a fan boy (not saying you are) just doesn't make for a suitable employee all of the time.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 14, 2007
huh? Not sure what bilo is, but I meant health care that you don't have to pay into. However, I guess these aren't concerns for you.

bilo is a grocery store

i read about it on apples site and it says that they would like you to take one of there classes so this summer i wonder what i am going to do....


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 14, 2007

if i want to do so why not do it... now if my dream job is to work at wal-mart than i would hope i would be beaten by a friend.... but if i want to stand behind a counter for the rest of my life helping people with computors than why not....
and if apple wont take my i will make my own repair shop!

O and never call me kid like i am 5.....


macrumors 68040
May 3, 2005
Washington, DC
It's not all it's cracked up to me. It seems great, but you're the first line of defense for the company. Anyone has a problem, they take it out on you, angry customers, frustrated customers, irate customers...the works. Not to mention, it's any other retail gig, sometimes you get great management, sometimes you get complete @$$holes. Just giving you the real deal. I can see being a Genius as an intermediate step to something bigger, but I wouldn't just "settle" at Genius...there are bigger better things out there.


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2007
You need to aim higher with your career aspirations. Making $25k a year for the rest of your life is not going to cut it, unless you plan on living with your parents or in a tiny studio apartment with no family for the rest of your life. Right now, it's probably not a bad job considering you're just a kid, but you're going to need a better paying job at some point down the road.
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