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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
One report claims:

Steve Jobs just invested close to 3 million dollars in a new startup that hopes to release a cable press release channel. It'll be a place for companies to introduce and show off new products on cable. Would be great for Apple, if you ask me. I imagine that someday, a lot more people will be introduced to the reality distortion field that is Steve Jobs.


macrumors G4
Jul 17, 2002
Re: Jobs investing in Cable Channel Startup?

What is the source? As for the merits:

Cable press releases? They're called infomericals and the market is saturated with them. Virtually every commercial broadcast station and most basic cable channels already inundate us with infomercials.

This sounds more like an April Fool's joke than a rumor.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 15, 2001
I somehow doubt we'll see YAIMC (Yet Another InfoMercial Channel).

But I would like to the the Apple Channel ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 2, 2003
The land of delusions, CA.
Achooo! (bs!)

But I could be wrong! :D

I don't get it. Why would JS want a cable station when they have Quicktime? If they really wanted to promote Quicktime then I suppose a cable station broadcasting simultaneously on both cable network as well as Quicktime might make sense. It may be the example of wireless television that network and cable channels need -- think of it as an invitation to other cable networks to start broadcasting simultaneously on both cable and wirelessly through airport extreme to one's laptop.

It might help legitimize Quicktime over Windows Media Player and Real's player.

But then again, if it's true there must be a logical explanation. But it baffles me.

P.S. Just goes to show: give me enough free time and I guess I'll end up rationalizing anything as a good idea. :D


macrumors 68020
Jan 20, 2003
New York
where are these sources coming from? how good is their credit? am i wearing underwear?

a lot have questions that are hopefully answered. i wonder why SJ would have interest in that. what ever the reason is, i think he'll make the right decision.

btw, the whole underwear thing was just a joke... i am wearing underwear.:p


macrumors member
Apr 27, 2003
Personally, I dont think this would be a bad idea. It'd be great for 56k users like me who have to settle for the crappy quality stream. But it's all good either way around. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Apr 10, 2002
With all due respect, three million isn't that much money to Jobs. Its a lot of money to anyone, of course, but as an investment it isn't that much for a billionare, I would believe in the investment, but it might have zilch to do with Apple.

Which Pro Baseball team was it that Woz owned?


macrumors 6502
Mar 25, 2003
Seattle, WA
Originally posted by bennetsaysargh

btw, the whole underwear thing was just a joke... i am wearing underwear.:p

Bless you :D

I don't think this is a good idea.
I've never watched any infomercial before, in fact, I deslike them.
And if you want me to choose between a cable broadcast of PowerMac 970 and my favorite cartoons, I'd say...................
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, I hate it when this happens.
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