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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
Ok, so after a lot of work selling my iBook, Dell, and iMac G4 the past week or so, I got myself an iMac G5 on Saturday in the Apple Store. Now that the iMac Intel is out, I'm stranded and feeling buyers remorse. I thought the Apple Store had a 14 day policy where if you buy a computer, and a new version is released, you can exchange for free (minus the difference, if there is one). However, I just called up the store and I was told I'd be charged a 10% restocking fee, and they won't have the new iMacs until February!

The restocking fee would set me back $170, so I can't just go and return it then buy the Intel iMac online. Is there anything else I can do to get the new iMac?

Thanks in advance!


macrumors 601
Jan 14, 2002
South Dakota, USA
Okay I don't get this with people sometimes. You buy this computer you have always been dreaming of and a few days later it has became a POS? Why do you want to return it? Is it slow? Does it not run well? I don't blame you for wanting Intel technology because PPC is so outdated, but I don't think it would be worth spending the re-stocking fee for it, unless you are doing some heavy-duty processing and if you are doing that you would have not picked an iMac in the first place.


macrumors 601
Mar 8, 2005
Cumming, GA
Personally, I think you are much better off with the G5 iMac that any Rev A Intel. Remember all of the problems with the Rev A iMac G5? I would just stick with what you've got until at least Rev B comes out.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
Abercrombieboy said:
Okay I don't get this with people sometimes. You buy this computer you have always been dreaming of and a few days later it has became a POS? Why do you want to return it? Is it slow? Does it not run well? I don't blame you for wanting Intel technology because PPC is so outdated, but I don't think it would be worth spending the re-stocking fee for it, unless you are doing some heavy-duty processing and if you are doing that you would have not picked an iMac in the first place.

Its the feeling that you just spent $1800 and your computer is now outdated. Yes, I know computers and technology are updated all the time, but 4 days later is way too soon.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
danny_w said:
Personally, I think you are much better off with the G5 iMac that any Rev A Intel. Remember all of the problems with the Rev A iMac G5? I would just stick with what you've got until at least Rev B comes out.

That's true, but the new video card is also something I'd really like. The 20" iMac G5 had the x600 XT but the new one has the x1600...


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
I'm going to hold out until more Mac applications are made universal. I have Sims 2, Battlefield 1942, and America's Army that run just fine on my Rev. B iMac G5. Yeah, I love having a faster computer that "benchmarks" x2 faster than my G5. It's just that SOFTWARE makes the machine and not the hardware. I'd have that nice new Intel iMac with x2 the power but no games. :(


macrumors member
Apr 5, 2005
The fact that you're not a newbie tells me that you knew MWSF was today. I'll give you that the thought of new iMacs was slim, but, you only had 4 days to wait and find out! I understand it's hard to wait, but we're talking 4 days longer and you wouldn't have this problem! :eek:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
muzikool said:
The fact that you're not a newbie tells me that you knew MWSF was today. I'll give you that the thought of new iMacs was slim, but, you only had 4 days to wait and find out! I understand it's hard to wait, but we're talking 4 days longer and you wouldn't have this problem! :eek:

I admit, I knew about MWSF, but I was left with no computer to work with after I had finally sold the last of my goodies on Saturday. I do wish I waited, but then again if I did wait I wouldn't have been able to get my essay typed up.


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2002
Alameda, CA
The new iMacs are shipping today, so they should be in the stores in the next couple of days. It's the new MacBook Pro that ships in February.

Le Big Mac

macrumors 68030
Jan 7, 2003
Washington, DC
Steve1496 said:
Its the feeling that you just spent $1800 and your computer is now outdated. Yes, I know computers and technology are updated all the time, but 4 days later is way too soon.

Think of the $170 restocking fee as a penalty for not listening to the rumors and for really bad planning.

Besides, if you're that worked up about it, why not just pay the restockign fee and wait a few days for the new one?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
Flowbee said:
The new iMacs are shipping today, so they should be in the stores in the next couple of days. It's the new MacBook Pro that ships in February.

That's good -- I just called the Apple Store again to see if someone different would say the same. She said that they should be in stores sooner than february, and just what you said about the MacBook Pro.

eva01 said:
and thus the bitching begins

Sorry, I don't mean to be bitchy...but I do think it's understandable to be upset about my situation.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 21, 2004
Le Big Mac said:
Think of the $170 restocking fee as a penalty for not listening to the rumors and for really bad planning.

Besides, if you're that worked up about it, why not just pay the restockign fee and wait a few days for the new one?

Please see post #8 about my schoolwork. I did not expect iMacs to be updated at MWSF. However, I admit it was stupid to sell at a time where I needed a computer and right before such a big event.

If there's no other way, I'll have to spend the $170.

I'm going to hold out until more Mac applications are made universal. I have Sims 2, Battlefield 1942, and America's Army that run just fine on my Rev. B iMac G5.

I'm not worried about my games as long as I can dual boot with Windows XP, which would be even better for the games. As for other apps, won't Rosetta be fine for emulating PPC?


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2003
District of Columbia
Dang, I was about to say "how long until people complain they just bought a G5", and you beat me to it.

If it was worth it when you bought it, then you got a good deal.


macrumors member
Apr 5, 2005
I would pay the $170. The fact is that you'll be getting "2-3x" the speed for only that difference in cost.


macrumors 6502
Dec 21, 2005
Reading this thread I didn't know that there was a restocking fee for returning a just bought Mac. I bought a PM G5 DC 2.0 on Saturday with plenty of knowledge of Macworld and even had an idea that the iMac G5 might be updated although very unlikely ahead of the PM G5. So I went ahead an bought this PM thinking even if they update the iMac, I am getting a Pro machine with distinction. I feel now this is no longer the case. This new Intel iMac looks on par with my PM DC G5 system, maybe surpassing it, or equaling the PM 2.3 G5 possibly. The Int Imac can now be a pro machine except for the pro applications not being ported to native yet. However, March is right around the corner for the apple pro apps...That only really leaves Adobe CS2 and MS Office performance running on Rosetta. If it's not much of a slowdown then this iMac clearly beats out or matches the PM G5 models except for the QUAD in power and expandability at a lower price. My thought initially was WTF....Return this Dual Core PM G5...Eat the restocking....Get the Intel iMac? I know in NYC the Intel iMac most likely is in stock already. Crazy time to buy a computer it seems.


macrumors 65816
Oct 23, 2005
Manchester, UK
I'm in a similar position to the poster. I ordered an iMac G5 shortly after the last update. It arrived in the middle of November, so I've had it just over six weeks.

I know I've got what I paid for, and I knew MWSF was a couple of months away but I figured that iMacs had just had their update. The problem I have is that, back in October, Apple KNEW they would be bringing out Intel iMacs in January and yet still continued to promote the iMac G5 as the latest and greatest. Just two months later they're marketing the new Intel iMac as being 2-3x faster, for the same price! Who wouldn't feel unhappy? Plus, the resale value of my iMac has just plummetted, in my opinion, prematurely.

What really angers me is that my parents, who wouldn't know an Intel chip from a mobile phone, have no idea what MWSF is and wouldn't know Steve Jobs if he humped their legs bought an iMac G5 just last week. They were told by Apple that the model had only been out a couple of months - so my parents, thinking they were getting the latest and greatest and most-future proof model they could, parted with their hard-earned cash. If they'd waited just a few days they could have had a machine which will last longer, has a better graphics card and is the same price anyway.

Whether you agree with me or not (and I wouldn't expect 'Apple Fans' to do so) I'm disgusted that Apple would treat loyal customers like this. There's no mention of a replacement scheme or even an acknowledgement. We customers are what has sustained Apple for 30 years and shouldn't be treated like fools.

Two major revisions in eight weeks? Give me a break.


macrumors 6502
Dec 21, 2005
It is tough to swallow especially for the iMac G5 Rev. C buyers. I look at the Apple store and see iMac G5 1699 and Intel iMac Dual 1699....For a consumer machine that really doesn't require anyone to wait for Native pro apps or not aim at the pro user....Why the same price? Why are they even selling the iMac G5 at all? Apple is doing some amazing things and great company, but you have to shake your head in this instance.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
Steve1496 said:
I'm not worried about my games as long as I can dual boot with Windows XP, which would be even better for the games. As for other apps, won't Rosetta be fine for emulating PPC?
Yeah, no chance I'm dual booting.


macrumors 68000
Aug 8, 2005
•Vote(1) for just paying the restocking fee and getting the new one.
C'mon guys, let's say 5 votes closes the thread. :D


macrumors 6502a
Sep 30, 2005
-Garry- said:
I'm in a similar position to the poster. I ordered an iMac G5 shortly after the last update. It arrived in the middle of November, so I've had it just over six weeks...Two major revisions in eight weeks? Give me a break.

I agree with Garry - he and others like him have been well and truly stiffed by Apple, especially after all the rah-rah at the last Event. This is a major p*ss-take, rivalled only by the Centris 660av, which at three months was previously the shortest-lived Mac. That time it was just a name change but perception is everything. The Quadra moniker had a higher market 'value' than the Centris and resale values dropped through the floor. After all the hue and cry following the Centris's demise, Apple said they wouldn't do it again. Well, they just did, and this one's a biggie - a major architectural change leading to twice the performance for the same money.


macrumors G5
-Garry- said:
I've had it just over six weeks.
... so my parents, thinking they were getting the latest and greatest and most-future proof model they could, parted with their hard-earned cash. If they'd waited just a few days they could have had a machine which will last longer, has a better graphics card and is the same price anyway.
... I'm disgusted that Apple would treat loyal customers like this. There's no mention of a replacement scheme or even an acknowledgement. We customers are what has sustained Apple for 30 years and shouldn't be treated like fools.
Right then. Apple should have put the entire rest of the world on hold because Garry bought his machine. Six weeks wasn't long enough obviously. How long should Apple wait then?

Face it mate: Apple loses more potential customers to competitors each day they delay a new model than they will lose 'loyal' Apple customers who get their knickers in a knot over their loss of 'king of the hill' status on their new purchases.


macrumors Penryn
Mar 23, 2005
QCassidy352 said:
why not? I think it'll be one of the coolest things about these new intel macs!

vote #3 for just paying the fee
I don't want to partition my drive, BUY Windows, and buy all that security software AGAIN. I'm sticking with my OS X.
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