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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
This came & said i needed to restart, which i did but i cant get past it

panic cpu 0 caller 0x00399ca3 unable to find driver for this platform acpi

I have tried to get it to boot from the install disc & intended to just start all over again but nothing at all is happening

The install seemed to work fine & I was in the process of doing all the software updates then this happened.

I need to get this up & running for hubby as his macbook has gone to Apple this is all he is gonna have for a while..not letting him near my macbook as he is a clutz


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
I have read many posts from people who had the same problem but I havent been able to solve my issue with suggestions that were made & also many of the suggestions were far to complicated for me!!! Main things i tried were attempting to hold down certain keys when restarting, anything from c, to multiple keys at the one time, doesnt matter what i have tried, the same fault page comes up!

Seems the problem that causes this, isnt anything to do with my resinstallation but rather downloading software updates.

So can anyone guide me with a simple easy to understand soloution?
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