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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 1, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
If anyone can speak Japanese, please go over there and translate for us, as my Sherlok translations sucks, but here is what he/they said:

October 11, 2002

¡ Notebook PC stand ZeroBeat sale
According to the information, a bird electron is the notebook PC stand which used the urethane foam of a kick-board material. ZeroBeat It is a thing that it ‚ð”_”„(ed). The cooling effect of a notebook PC is what it is [ a thing ] preeminent by using combining a portable interchange air conditioner.

¡ SuperDrive and new PowerBook G4 of Bluetooth correspondence
It is announced soon that it is based on information. PowerBook G4 being alike -- it is a thing that a SuperDrive model and Bluetooth are equipped It seems that furthermore, it is announced as new PowerBook G4, without adding a big change to the present Titanium case.

how credible is this?

Any Japanese readers, head over to


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 1, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
Ok, 63 people have read this and:

a) no one can read Japanese..........fine...
b) no one cares.............................that's fine too...
c) no one knows anything..............that's fine also...
d) Kadowarisan is grabage..............Ok, I'll buy that...

But heck folks, surely someone can make something up or something?


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
I can't read japanese, the but the translation seems to make sense..

basically new Superdrive/Bluetooth Powerbooks coming... no change in the case. The same as what has previously been reported... so no real new info.

They don't have a known track record... we'll see in the coming weeks I suppose.



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 1, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
I'm gonna give it until the 3rd week of Oct is over, then I'll give up and just buy a used PB 667 to hold me over till the new stuff comes out. But I'll be darned if I pay $3200 for an 800mhz G4, I don't care how sexy it is.


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2002
Ha ha haaa!
Originally posted by WanaPBnow
I'm gonna give it until the 3rd week of Oct is over, then I'll give up and just buy a used PB 667 to hold me over till the new stuff comes out. But I'll be darned if I pay $3200 for an 800mhz G4, I don't care how sexy it is.

Wouldn't you be KICKING yourself, though, if an 800MHz Ti was released the next week for the 667's price? :eek: That, to me, is definitely worth the wait. We know they're due any time now... why give in when they're so close?


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Originally posted by Hemingray

Wouldn't you be KICKING yourself, though, if an 800MHz Ti was released the next week for the 667's price? :eek: That, to me, is definitely worth the wait. We know they're due any time now... why give in when they're so close?

ah... the constant struggle... :)

It's always hard to say.... personally, I've always bought my new macs after a new release.... but it depends how much you need that powerbook right now.



macrumors 68030
Ok, here it is...

I translated this myself...
According to the sources, Bird Electronics has released a notebook computer (laptop), ZeroBeat, which is made out of 'Urethane' foam from 'kick board' materials. By using a mobile internal cooler, the cooling system of this laptop is said to be close to perfect.
According to the sources, the soon-to-be-released Powerbook G4 will have a built-in Superdrive and Bluetooth. Also, the design of the machine will not change dramatically, and it will be released as a new Powerbook G4.

There. I don't know what 'urethane' or 'kick board' is, so I left that as is. Hope it helps.

The original Sherlock translation was pretty good.



Jul 9, 2000
oh my god, superdirve and bluetooth?

who ever thought of that as a rumor for the upcoming powerbook:p

macworld had a thing on bluetooth being the future for the next generation macs and there must be dozens of posters here calling for a superdrive in a powerbook

these things probably all need to happen before we see either a dual G4 powerbook or, later on, a G5 powerbook

i don't want to wait til late-2003 or early-2004 to get bluetooth and superdrive as a new thing when the G5 powerbook most likely will be announced, if they even call the post-g4 laptop that
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