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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 17, 2013
I use my iPad Pro 12.9" for work, and one of my most used apps is Jump Desktop to remote control my home or office PC from the iPad, using the Swiftpoint GT mouse. I also have duet display installed and sometimes use that with my home PC, but attempts at running it with Windows tablets have revealed their CPUs to be too slow for that to work properly.

That's why I was very interested when I learned about this:
It's essentially a small Windows tablet without a screen, or you can look at it as a Windows stick PC with a battery. Its most interesting feature is the ability to connect a Lightning USB cable and use an iPad as the screen, similar to duet display.

Trying to get it here in Europe has proven impossible, but I wanted to tip you Americans about it, and maybe even hear if anyone here has tried it. RDP works well, but this thing has potential to be very, VERY interesting in my mind.
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