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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 24, 2001
i visit and read these boards all the time, but have restrained from posting. i think it's obvious that a few of you fellas have too much time on your hands - are addicted to bible babble - etc... now it's time for me to fall into the trap...

ok. cut and dry...i need a portable. i need a ti667. should i keep my g4 500 dvd ram (loaded) or sell it? i think i could get $1500 or a little more with extras, but i feels like it is worth more. plus this is my first real Apple. (being a former motorola employee i got great deals on clones)
anybody know what the best price reference is, other than ebay?



macrumors 6502a
Oct 25, 2001
really loaded?

Wow. I can't believe how loaded-up Ebay has recently been with Apple TiBooks and other 500Mhz G4s.

I'm not sure what that means for Apple, but it sure seems strange.

$1500 sounds about right for your machine. Maybe even a little high, but I don't know exactly what you mean by "loaded".

If you've decided to buy the TiBook and that is going to satisfy your machine needs, then by all means sell the G4 now. It's only going to lose value over time.

Of course, there is benefit to having a loaded desktop, too. If the TiBook is going to be your primary machine, you might consider dumping the G4 for the $1500 or so that you can get for it. Then, if you feel the need for a secondary desktop, you can pick up a really nice G3 400 tower for about $650.


Jul 9, 2000
re: price reference

i like to look at the back of any mac based magazine and i usually take 20 percent off the price i see as listed as a good reference for what a used mac is really worth

these companies who heavily advertise used macs have high advertising overhead and that is reflected in their overinflated asking price for a used mac

if you NEED a portable, sell your tower and move forward...that's what i did two years ago and i have never looked back


macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001
Do not sell your G4 for a TiBook, you will show how little you know about computers.

The TiBook is nice but 15" monitor, good for a portable but as a desk top is a 15". The Ti is not upgradable and it will be a hard unit to sell as soon new models comes up. So in the market, the TiBook have a shorter life than any desk top.

If you can, get a Pismo 500, they are cheap and fully ungredable. They are fast too, very fast.

When you have a portable you never used it as you think. My 1st and secund Mac were portables, the resolve some problems but right now every body have a zip and every document can run in PC or Mac, so I'm around with a zip every where rather than with my Pismo.

I would say keep your Mac, it is gonna last. Do not fall in to tv adds and things like that. I have a G4 400 with 320 in Ram and I'm just fine, I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, After Effects (I just need another drive), Pro Tools, Digital Performer, etc.

Get the Pismo, it is my advice, the LCD is big enough and you can add a interna CD burner later or zip or a extra battery, etc.
I think TiBooks are not mature yet, they are like the first generations G3 now.


Jul 9, 2000

i see the points you are talking about upgradeability wise

i have worked with so many home and business clients as a tech and a lot of the so called upgradeability i see in silicon valley for macs outside of RAM upgrades is buying new machines

...sure there are supergeeks who buy the latest gaming cards and people who like to upgrade just because it is possible, but most home users and professionals need the computer to work for them, not the other way around

the tibook is an amazing portable and has sold well despite its higher than average price the future, a swapable bay for zip and extra battery would be nice


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 24, 2001
my memory,
i'm not falling into traps because of television ads. i live a life on the move. i crash at home after long days. i have a studio that i work in, as well as home and work. that's 3 places i do my work at.

i'm just trying to decide if i should keep my g4 500 tower
or get $1500 at the most out of it.


macrumors member
Oct 30, 2001
Hold a raffel to sell it say a buck a ticket sell a couple of K worth and you have alot of cash. not the best idea but i'll always take it off your hands for free though you'd have to pay to ship it out to me, what a deal hey you get your desktop off your hands at a small shipping price perfect.


Jun 4, 2000
Alexandria, VA

If it serves as any point of reference... This past July I sold my blue&white G3 400 w/ 512MB RAM, 20GB storage (half of which was SCSI), DVD, Zip, and Que! Drive (USB-CD-RW) for $1100.

I was surprised to have gotten that much for it.



macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001

I wouln't get a TiBook, that is my opinion and my point of view. I got a Pismo 500 3 months ago and I feel just very fine. The Ti is good, I wouldn't complain but even if I have the money I would choose the Pismo, right not the guy from the computer store got one (Pismo 400) for $800, he like to re-sell computers. I would get a Pismo until the TiBook stabilize the design (comobo super drive, may be suapable, etc.).
About the TV adds, I have seen that the way of people buying down here is different than the people in the US, it may be because we do not have Apple tv ads or any type of influence, if it works we get it. The market fro the iPod here is "none", people think is nice but too expensive.

By the way, I may be getting a iMac g3 233/ 64 MB ram for $400. It is for my mom to send e-mails.
What do you think of the price?
remember this is outside of the US.

[Edited by mymemory on 11-11-2001 at 02:56 PM]


macrumors 68030
Jul 20, 2001
Re: Mmmmm

Originally posted by mymemory
I wouln't get a TiBook, that is my opinion and my point of view. I got a Pismo 500 3 months ago and I feel just very fine. The Ti is good, I wouldn't complain but even if I have the money I would choose the Pismo, right not the guy from the computer store got one (Pismo 400) for $800, he like to re-sell computers. I would get a Pismo until the TiBook stabilize the design (comobo super drive, may be suapable, etc.).
About the TV adds, I have seen that the way of people buying down here is different than the people in the US, it may be because we do not have Apple tv ads or any type of influence, if it works we get it. The market fro the iPod here is "none", people think is nice but too expensive.

By the way, I may be getting a iMac g3 233/ 64 MB ram for $400. It is for my mom to send e-mails.
What do you think of the price?
remember this is outside of the US.

[Edited by mymemory on 11-11-2001 at 02:56 PM]


I hate to break it to you, but your opinion is probably in the minority. Until the first generation of PB G4s, I agreed with you. I even owned a Pismo. But now I'm making the upgrade and so will lots of folks.


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
Pismo Shmismo! G3 vs G4. Bigger screen, firewire, better HD, smaller, lighter, more resale value, just flat out a better looking machine (I know, don't even start mymammary)
The only reason to get a used pismo is price. If you're short on cash then it's a good option.
If you need portability more than expandability, then get the tiBook or even an iBook.
By the way, I know that a lot of the eBay auctions for tiBooks are not people who want to sell them, but people who have to sell them. The dot com rollercoaster has crashed and it's getting ugly.
Hey, when you do sell your G4 tower post how much $ you got.


Jul 9, 2000
re: dot com crash

in my company i belonged to in the silicon valley which was a, let's see now..., i don't know, but became admin asst. after but went to another job which i don't know

...vp of content, now a nurseryman
...vp #2 a checker
...exec vp a dell tech
...and me, former sales a mkt. vp, also a tech

...venture capitalist i know of with no connection to our company (left the field and sold out of vc chopshop biz (which took 10 percent of every company) and somehow had advance info of crash and walked out a millionaire (probably looking over shoulder for rest of life for SEC, no way to live if you ask me)

also bin laden made bucko bucks off vc biz, too

i posted this before, but,

how do you get a ceo off your porch?
pay him for the pizza


macrumors 65816
Jul 24, 2001
In the shadow of the Space Needle.
Laugh if you want, but the dot coms allowed a lot of people to jump up the corporate ladder quickly and gave this country the best economy it's seen in a long time. Some of those people never should have been doing the jobs they were, but the majority of them worked their asses off to try to make something work.
I worked for a dotcom that was shut down not because of earnings and profit, but the parent company heard that the dot com thing was over and they should tighten their belts for the coming recession.
check out: http://www.****

[Edited by SPG on 11-17-2001 at 10:42 PM]


Jul 9, 2000
re:, and thanks SPG for the cool site!

it is true that the dot.coms did give others a chance to make money

women, who still make only 70-80+ percent of what men make, minorities, foreign nationals, and especially young people under 30 actually had a say in a major industry in a substantial way for the first time i can ever remember...and this was good

i like the link to the website you left and i checked it out...jeez, isn't corporate america ruthless...i just don't get the short-term thinking of firing workers having any bearing on a company's long term other words, how does firing so many people ever help?

it the IT field, it is like this: fire a lot of people, rehire some of them but add in some hungry new people who will work for the cheap, fire a lot of people again, and rehire again but using less money than before, etc...

is it any wonder why a country like japan in the midst of a huge recession could still manage to put out better electronics products than the US in general...sure we have apple but ruthless american corporate style won't give us cool electronics companies like sony and toshiba here on us soil

as much as i have slammed hr people, i was one once, i think they would run a company better than the ceos and board members who like to cut jobs in order to make their stockholders happy

if the people didn't get fired en masse and laid off in the first place, corporate america would have more potential consumers with disposable income and the large companies wouldn't always be on the verge of having just one or two bad quarters sink their ship

while i don't believe the country and its corporations are evil, it makes it fertile ground for some clever third world dictator to make us an easy scapegoat for some fundamentalist holy war where no one wins and all lose

anyway, thanks for the hyperlink, i found it very interesting

[Edited by jefhatfield on 11-24-2001 at 01:23 AM]
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