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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 18, 2020
Since I have updated to Big Sur, a month ago, every time I do something demanding, like editing video in premier pro, or even playing league of legends my MPB 16, 2019, with 32GB of RAM and 1TB SSD(250GB+ free) goes into crazy mode and it slows down.
The worst part is that even if I close the demanding app it doesn't change anything, kernel_task stays super high in the task manager and the whole MBP is super slow. Only way to fix it is with a shut down, or if I leave the MBP idle not touching it for around 20-30mins(this does not work always).
The fans keep spinning like crazy even if all demanding apps are closed.

I though this was Adobe issue but this happens in every app that is very demanding.

Any ideas? Will formatting the Mac to a pre-Big Sur version maybe fix this?
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