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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 12, 2005
last night, i was about to put my powerbook to sleep. i disconnected my soundblaster usb device and moments later, i noticed my activity monitor in my dock, had LOTS of red in it. i checked the processes, and the kernel_task was at 90-100%. i started quitting all of my applications. after quitting all of them, the only thing left open was the activity monitor. kernel_task was still going nuts. seconds later, my powerbook froze, as in, mouse went locky locky. i had to hold the power button to shut it off. left it off for about 30 seconds, and turned it back on. booted back up like a champ.

my theory is it had something to do with the soundblaster usb. right after i unplugged it, thats when the powerbook seemed to go nuts.

is there any device-type log that i can look at to see if that may be the reason why my powerbook locked up? i have checked the console.log and system.log, and nothing is shown at the time my powerbook froze.

if it makes any difference, my powerbook had just passed the 21 day thresh-hold of uptime. =D


macrumors 68000
Oct 26, 2003
Cardiff, Wales
sometimes (its rare but it does happen) a thread gets stuck in a loop. If you go to terminal and type 'top' without the quotation marks you'll get a list of processes running as you do in activity monitor. ,Then take note off the process ID and quit top (press apple and . ) and type kill <number> (placing just process id in there without the <>)
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