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Original poster
Jan 10, 2012
Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 4.01.55 PM.png

What keyboard shortcut closes this dialog window? Esc, Command + ., and others (Command + W) do not work.

To replicate this prompt, in iMessages type out a line of text to a user, then Command backspace it, then command + backspace again.

For whatever reason, I hit backspace multiple times, command+c even though I don't have to (personal quirk). So I get this prompt every now and then when I'm iMessaging ... of all my years of using a Mac I've never figured this out.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2009
A sea of green
Maybe the problem is that the dialog window doesn't have focus. Only a focused window will receive keystrokes, so if the window has somehow lost focus, then keystrokes are going somewhere else (maybe the bit-bucket).

I suggest testing this by clicking on an inactive area of the window, such as somewhere in the blank area to the left of "Cancel". This click should ensure the window has focus. Then try ESC and ⌘. and other keystrokes to see what happens.

If this does work to bring the window into focus and the keystrokes then work, the next tricky part is to see if any of the keystrokes for moving window focus work. Cmd-TAB and some Cmd-arrow things with option and control would be worth looking at.
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