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Administrator emeritus
Jun 28, 2002
North Central Colorado
I bought Kon at version 1.1, and I've been using 1.7 for a couple of days (installed it on my new computer)... as for the behavior of widgets, there's really no change. HOWEVER - the introduction of the "konsposé" feature using the f8 key to bring the widgets into their own layer seems to make me think they had a bit of system-level help from a certain fruit company.


macrumors 68020
May 7, 2003
Saint Augustine, FL
Mudbug said:
I bought Kon at version 1.1, and I've been using 1.7 for a couple of days (installed it on my new computer)... as for the behavior of widgets, there's really no change. HOWEVER - the introduction of the "konsposé" feature using the f8 key to bring the widgets into their own layer seems to make me think they had a bit of system-level help from a certain fruit company.

Really? Wouldn't they just draw a screen-wide window on top of everything, and temporarily move the widgets up? I expect the integration with exposé woulda been much tougher.

I've been a paying customer since 1.4.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
I don't know the facts and won't rush to blame Apple, but I certainly don't blame Arlo for being upset!


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
apple is great if your a consumer, but if you are in the mac business, whether it be retail or development, just say hello to your #1 competitor.



macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2002
I hope that screenshot turns out to be false. I don't blame apple for integrating the widget concept. As far as I can tell, nothing about Konfabulator is really new or revolutionary, except for the way the widgets look. As people have already pointed out in both in MR and the Konfabulator forum, the widget idea has been around for a long time, as has the idea of a single framework that is used to build the widgets. If someone wants to enlighten me, please do. What bothers me is that apple is using K's look. Couldn't they come up with something a little more original? A little more Apple?

Damn, I wish I was going to the WWDC. I got one of the ADC grants to go to the Keynote, but I got a job offer that I just couldn't pass up.

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