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macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2006
Fenton, MO
since this is about EGM, did ya hear Itagaki slagged Heavenly Sword for being half assed?

F Itagaki.
He's a lame ass "I think I'm cool 'cause I act like a rock star and missed my calling" developer.
Half ass? DoA is half assed. A half brained monkey with a stiffy could've come up with a better fighting engine than the one in DoA. Wait a minute...I think a monkey did come up with the fighting engine in DoA. :rolleyes:

The only thing here half assed is the half assed attempt by this moron at ripping off VF but instead of talent and skill, he replaced it with a non-normal cleavage bounce physics engine. He's complaining about button taps? I guess he's never realized how much of a jiggle-filled no talent mash fest that his "beloved fighting game series" has been. While I'm on this kick...nice button taps you've got going on in DoA XVBL, DoA X2, and NG/NG Black also. :rolleyes:

Just because you cater to hormoning teens with your softcore porn doesn't mean you're nothing more than a ripple in the pond of the industry. Can you do any game without tits in it? Even NG has tits. Guess you run out of ideas and don't want people seeing the lack of quality throughout, so you figure "I'll throw some boobies in and people will become distracted and no one will notice my game sucks."

Man I wish this idiot would go away.
Ooh ooh look at me! I make games with titties and drink beers while doing an interview! I'm hardcore!! :rolleyes:


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Oh, boy, another lame PS3 game to justify your $600 console purchase. Woopdidoo...

I still see *boatloads* at the stores for $499. Sony, what happend to "the price is only good until they run out at the end of July" deal?

Sony, enjoy 3rd place. PS3 owners, enjoy your Blu-ray movies and explaining how bad HD DVD is...

(okay, sorry, have to release the tension building up waiting for tomorrow's Apple announcement)


Jan 18, 2005
Sony, enjoy 3rd place.

Incidentally, the PS2 was advertised here with the slogan, "welcome to the third place". They probably weren't banking on it coming back to bite them in the arse for the PS3.

PS3 owners, enjoy your Blu-ray movies and explaining how bad HD DVD is...

Try as they might - HD-DVD films are apparently doing better in Europe than BlueRay. Though actual titles are slim pickings for both formats :eek:


Jan 18, 2005
I'm not too interested in Lair, but I guarantee you...Heavenly Sword will sell Ps3 systems.

I can't. I can only see Halo 3, Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Fit, FF-whatever on the PS3 and MGS4 being system sellers. Maybe it's just me but nothing is exciting me with Heavenly Sword or my friends with a pulse on gaming news.


macrumors 68020
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
Oh, boy, another lame PS3 game to justify your $600 console purchase. Woopdidoo...

I still see *boatloads* at the stores for $499. Sony, what happend to "the price is only good until they run out at the end of July" deal?

Sony, enjoy 3rd place. PS3 owners, enjoy your Blu-ray movies and explaining how bad HD DVD is...

(okay, sorry, have to release the tension building up waiting for tomorrow's Apple announcement)

glad to see you are contributing in a meaningful way to the conversation :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
I can't. I can only see Halo 3, Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Fit, FF-whatever on the PS3 and MGS4 being system sellers. Maybe it's just me but nothing is exciting me with Heavenly Sword or my friends with a pulse on gaming news.

It is just you ;) Glad you've finally realized it :p


macrumors 603
Aug 20, 2005
Thank you Jah...I'm so Blessed
More Crap

Glad to see you are making your best efforts into outting the flames of this PS3/Xbox/Wii thing...good job buddy.

As for the rock star wannabe dude....he's always making smart arse comments....I say whatever to this guy..he's always complaining. Can't he just go cut an album(will suck by the way) and give us all a brake.

As for system sellers....Yeah I see HS/WH as system pusher because from what I've seen/heard and PLAYED those games are killer.



macrumors 68020
Jul 10, 2005
Rocketing through the sky!
I can't. I can only see Halo 3, Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Fit, FF-whatever on the PS3 and MGS4 being system sellers. Maybe it's just me but nothing is exciting me with Heavenly Sword or my friends with a pulse on gaming news.

add Mass Effect, GT5 Prologue, GT5, Rock Band, Singstar (in Europe anyway), GTA IV, maybe Killzone 2 and your have a more realistic list.

edit: and Mario and Metroid.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2006
Fenton, MO
As for system sellers....Yeah I see HS/WH as system pusher because from what I've seen/heard and PLAYED those games are killer.


What is a momentum/sales killer for games?
Poor looks, poor gameplay, poor story.
As far as I'm concerned...Heavenly Sword looks great, the gameplay will most certainly be there, and the story will probably be adequate enough for most people.

The only way HS would not be a system seller is if Microsoft put out a video of something in development that was similar to HS (or God of War), pronto, and showed "hey, we can do it too" but that ain't gonna happen because they don't have anything in development. Granted, I think the 360 is fully capable of running a game like HS, they just aren't and there's nothing in the pipeline for the future AFAIK (dumb move on their part).

Thus - HS = system seller
It is the first true Ps3 killer app IMO.

I'm not dissing on MotorStorm, it looks like a decent racer and I will pick it up [used] when I get a Ps3. But MS isn't a system seller because (quite frankly) racing games never are.

I think if Resistance had come out some time either before or after Gears, it would've been a system seller as well. Launching within close proximity of Gears, however, made it comparison fodder.

-my thoughts (unbiased as always ;))


macrumors 603
Aug 20, 2005
Thank you Jah...I'm so Blessed
Thus - HS = system seller
It is the first true Ps3 killer app IMO.

Not if Warhawk has anything to say about it;) I think WH will be wearing the crown until HS hit selves....not that I'm doubting the game but it is multiplayer and people will play this thing until the end of time.

HS will come and steal the rights for awhile(what a sweet ride it will be) then its back to warhawk;).....unless team ninja put some goodies in there for us.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2006
Fenton, MO
The only problem I see with Warhawk is...isn't it now a download-only? (ie no hard copy pressed discs at retail?)

That will be an issue for some folks who live out in the boonies and don't have broadband. ;)

I also thought HS came out before WH, but thanks for posting your info 'cause now I know that's not the case. :)


Jan 18, 2005
I can't. I can only see Halo 3, Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Fit, FF-whatever on the PS3 and MGS4 being system sellers. Maybe it's just me but nothing is exciting me with Heavenly Sword or my friends with a pulse on gaming news.

add Mass Effect, GT5 Prologue, GT5, Rock Band, Singstar (in Europe anyway), GTA IV, maybe Killzone 2 and your have a more realistic list.

edit: and Mario and Metroid.

Bolded the important bits which you missed.
I just listed the games that have my friends and the folks at uni talking about. Halo 3 will sell an ungodly amount and push countless systems no matter how good the game will be, the rest I listed are ones people are waiting for reviews on.

Out of the folks who have systems and don't care about news (casual gamers?) Halo 3 and Wii Fit are the only ones they're bothered about. And, oddly enough, Blue Dragon!
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