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Original poster
Jun 22, 2001
Cutting to the chase, is there an option not to view signatures? I'm constantly seeing massive election signatures and it's getting on my nerves.

Political discussions are put in their respective forums this is dragging the debate out into the rest of MR.


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Savage Henry

macrumors 65816
That suggestion get's my vote


Everyone is allowed an opinion, although I think some opinions don't have to be so large.

I also think you could have provided a copy of the "Vote Kerry" as well to show that your request is not politically motivated either.


macrumors 68030
May 14, 2002
Wes said:
Cutting to the chase, is there an option not to view signatures? I'm constantly seeing massive election signatures and it's getting on my nerves.

User CP -> Edit Options -> Scroll to "Thread Display Options" box -> Uncheck "Show Signatures"

Enjoy! :)


macrumors 68000
May 10, 2004
szark said:
User CP -> Edit Options -> Scroll to "Thread Display Options" box -> Uncheck "Show Signatures"

Enjoy! :)

Singatures are on the whole good. Some witty folk out there (as opposed to mine, it's just boring). I don't want to have to hide them all just because a few people want to shout their message from the roof, so to speak.


Moderator emeritus
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
I suppose it will pass as the election passes... so it is a temporary phenomena, but will probably be replaced by something else equally if not more obnoxious. To me, the political statement is not so bad... it is the LARGE PRINT that glares at you and distracts from everything else.


Original poster
Jun 22, 2001
Isn't the election this November? Hmm it's going to be a long summer without signatures, which usually contain interesting stuff.


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Large/obnoxious sigs are not allowed. Will be edited.

Please report any with the report button.



macrumors 68000
Apr 26, 2003
Tokyo, Japan
I don't know how feasible this would be, not knowing the details of the forum setup, but maybe it would be possible to limit signatures to the standard size of text. Maybe even make them completely plain text (maybe with links enabled). I suppose it does limit some people who use color and such, so it may not be the best idea, but I think limiting size would be great.


macrumors 68040
Jan 25, 2002
in transit
Krizoitz said:
I don't know how feasible this would be, not knowing the details of the forum setup, but maybe it would be possible to limit signatures to the standard size of text. Maybe even make them completely plain text (maybe with links enabled). I suppose it does limit some people who use color and such, so it may not be the best idea, but I think limiting size would be great.

Isn't it already limited?

Heh, it's funny, I've turned off sigs and avatars under my options. It makes for a much more enjoyable to browse the forums.


macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2002
Alameda, CA
Krizoitz said:
I don't know how feasible this would be, not knowing the details of the forum setup, but maybe it would be possible to limit signatures to the standard size of text. Maybe even make them completely plain text (maybe with links enabled). I suppose it does limit some people who use color and such, so it may not be the best idea, but I think limiting size would be great.

I would go a step further and propose limiting the number of lines of text allowed... to maybe 3 or 4 max. I think since the re-design of the site, the sigs have started getting a little out of control.

Don't get me wrong, I like sigs; I just don't like when they distract from the content of the forum.


macrumors regular
Jan 24, 2004
Columbus, OH
Hate to say it but...

You may want to put a post on the main page stating why they are not allowed and that it is not a politically motivated reason. I personally was able to ignore them, but they WERE annoying and havig to look at that from now to November would be a pain. Also, state ridiculous ones lwith large graphics and will be deleted with impunity.


macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
it kind of reminds me of the old terminal days, people's .plan files would get exceptionally long... mine was several thousand lines at one point :eek: but thankfully i got over that. But inevitably, in that case we had to go to a 5 line limit, which sucked. People should be able to keep these things in check, by themselves.

i don't really understand the need for signatures that are more than a couple of lines long...



macrumors 6502
Dec 18, 2003
The Netherlands

I'm happy to see those big obnoxious sig's go away. Being a European I don't care at all who vote's for Bush or Kerry. Some of these sig's got to be so big that they took more space than the messages from those individuals.

I'm happy Arn fixed this.


macrumors 68000
Jan 6, 2004
paulwhannel said:
it kind of reminds me of the old terminal days, people's .plan files would get exceptionally long... mine was several thousand lines at one point :eek:

AHHH .plans! Those were the days. A friend of mine spent countless hours reading all of her friend's plans daily... it bugged the ever-living !#@$ out of me. Here's to short sigs!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 8, 2002
I have a rather lengthy sig. When mr updated the forums, they put a cap on sig length. I thought my sig took up too much space, but couldn't shrink the font size to make it more reasonable on screen. Asked for a special override to let my sig stay, albeit smaller, so it's not visually distracting. I think a physical size (area) limit might work better to reduce distracting sigs. Probably not a simple matter, though. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 25, 2004
good to see sigs are going to be regulated when i first showed up here last year around wwdc my sig was immediatly requested to be modified and noe i can see why keep up the good work

i hope they remain very polite like this one


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macrumors newbie
May 5, 2003
Minneapolis, MN
What I most enjoy about political signatures....

...What I really get a kick out of with political signatures and bumper stickers telling me to "Vote This" or "Vote That" is the entire premise of the thing.

What do these people expect – that I'm so mindless that I'm going to say, "Oh, you know, I was a die-hard Nader supporter, but now that I've seen this priceless piece of artwork attached to the bumper of this Buick in front of me, I feel that I must vote for Bush!"

Wouldn't people prefer that others be an educated supporter of their favorite candidate, instead of being swayed by a big, colorful signature with bold lettering?

Beware the power of stupid people in large groups.



macrumors 68030
Dec 27, 2002
Alameda, CA
Valhalla525 said:
What do these people expect – that I'm so mindless that I'm going to say, "Oh, you know, I was a die-hard Nader supporter, but now that I've seen this priceless piece of artwork attached to the bumper of this Buick in front of me, I feel that I must vote for Bush!"

Actually, political bumper stickers aren't necessarily meant to change people's minds, but rather to inspire people who already believe the message of the sticker. Seeing the message "Vote Smith" several times a day helps remind people that if they support Smith, they need to go to the polls and vote for her on election day.


macrumors newbie
May 5, 2003
Minneapolis, MN
Flowbee said:
Actually, political bumper stickers aren't necessarily meant to change people's minds, but rather to inspire people who already believe the message of the sticker. Seeing the message "Vote Smith" several times a day helps remind people that if they support Smith, they need to go to the polls and vote for her on election day.

Interesting. I see your point.

Hmm ... would they really be considered "supporters" if they aren't going to actually go to the polls and vote for the candidate...?

Just a thought. Feel free to disregard. :rolleyes:
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