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macrumors newbie
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I've read and read and watch youtube videos and just amazed there isn't more decisive info out there.

I'm gonna be upgrading from the Stand to the Vesa Mount, so while I was all the way torn down, It thought I would start looking at options for other upgrades.

Current 3TB Fusion. I have the OWC Thunderbay 4 Thunderbolt 2 - RAID 5.
I set up my project on my desktop (photo, video or design) and then when the project is finished it gets dragged over to the RAID 5 to be stored, and that's then backed up to an online backup.

Im pretty happy with this workflow.

The issues is speed, and future. Currently getting 670 Write and 1920 Read. on the fusion.
I'm editing 4K and Medium Format camera sized files.

I drove down to Boston and picked up 960 Pro m.2 and of course to read the right thread after I got home that it of course wont fit. (cause why would apple makes this easy)

I know I can go the apple OEM But people are tyring to get $900 for them...which is $300 more than I paid for a just 960 Pro it's almost insulting. lol

What any options other than $900? that will get me up there in the 2,500+ mps write/read speeds?
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