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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 16, 2007
I was looking for an app that will allow me to watch the New York Islanders live on my phone. I know this may seem a little to demanding, but i would pay a good amount for an app that can do that. Or atleast give me highlight clips as the game is going on, for example. It would be similiar to Sportacular, but instead provide maybe 20-30 second highlights as the game is going on.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2007
Manchester, UK
I'm actually a bit surprised these don't exist already, as they do for other phones - for a modest monthly fee you can get a couple of dozen channels.. the problem is they pretty much universally use realplayer which doesn't exist for the iphone, and I haven't heard either that someone like O2 is going to create H264 live streams or Real is going to port their player... it'll take one or the other.


macrumors regular
Aug 12, 2008
It's called Slingobx or ORB, research them, and besides the Islander's suck so bad, why would you want to watch them, all of Long Island is like the blackhole of NY.
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