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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 18, 2020
Ok, so I know this is the best place on earth to ask this question. I want to be able to come home and have my iphone automatically unlock without me swiping up, and when I leave my apartment it will lock, so I need to swipe up. I am sick and tired of SIRI telling me you need to unlock your phone when I ask her to execute a command, such as read an email or text message, while I am busy doing something like taking a shower for example. I don't want to be getting out of the shower and getting my phone wet, but that notification might be very important. If I manually unlock it, then I may forget to lock it, that is why I am hoping I can create an automation to make it unlock and lock when I get home. Anyone know if this is possible?


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Not possible. I believe if you don't use a passcode or FaceID Siri should be able to execute those commands. Not anything I would recommend due to the obvious security issues it would introduce
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macrumors 65816
Oct 3, 2010
Denville, NJ
Android has this in Android 12, their latest release. Its called Smart Lock and establishes parameters like location and bodily proximity to keep the phone unlocked. I found it quite convenient at home on my Pixel 5. You can set it up for work, home, when in your pocket, etc.

There were some hiccups with the whole thing, especially at first. One solution that worked perfectly for me was to use Google Maps to select my exact home location and save it. Apparently just using your street address didn't satisfy the geolocation component of Smart Lock. Once I zoomed in on the map and dropped a pin on my exact home location it worked flawlessly.

Might be convenient for Apple to explore something like this.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Well, jailbreaking is a solution.

Cleverpin was a thing for a while. Other tweaks out there as well.

But a stock type of thing - no.
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