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macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2016
suspension waiting room
Ok, I'm on the latest version now. I'll update to let you know if the fans kick on again when they shouldn't.
(Btw, thanks for your help in this. :) )
I'm anxiously waiting confirmed resolution of this one. It seems you've identified some issue with the google drive app and the fans running. It's of interest to me because I use google drive via a browser quite often and never thought to install the app. Makes me consider using the actual app as a potential battery savings, but only of course if there isn't an issue anymore with the fans. BTW, your original thread title isn't very descriptive of the issue and would be of little use for future searches, assuming this is confirmed to be the cause of the problem. Please tell!
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
I'm anxiously waiting confirmed resolution of this one. It seems you've identified some issue with the google drive app and the fans running. It's of interest to me because I use google drive via a browser quite often and never thought to install the app. Makes me consider using the actual app as a potential battery savings, but only of course if there isn't an issue anymore with the fans. BTW, your original thread title isn't very descriptive of the issue and would be of little use for future searches, assuming this is confirmed to be the cause of the problem. Please tell!
Ok, yeah, I took a while but I believe this is the issue as nothing is wrong when I don't run Google Drive on the web. And if this is the issue, I'll most definitely update the title to reflect upon it.

However, I really can't confirm anything until something at the beginning of next week because that's when I have classes and must use Google Docs constantly. So we'll see. :)

UPDATE: Ok, so I did a quick test to finally rule out Minecraft & Google Chrome. Opened both of them up --- let them run for about 30 minutes. (I rotated between simple Netflix viewing on Chrome and just allowed Minecraft to run idle on a World Map because I really have nothing to do on it.). Just for a more realistic simulation, I opened up Photoshop and Final Cut Pro X and opened from projects on both o those as well and a couple of Safari tabs. Shut down both apps regularly and shut down the Mac. The Mac booted up perfectly. So we can finally rule out the those two being the culprit. Which makes me believe it is the Google Drive now. However, only time can tell.
Last edited:


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
Ok, its Monday and we are here! Here are some of the things I've noticed.

Last night, I put my Mac to sleep and not shut it down as suggested by this user \/
when you can do much the same by using sleep (either from the Apple menu, or simply closing the lid)
8 hours later when I opened it for class, the fans were loud, but luckily the class was loud too so it wasn't that noticable unless if you were a couple seats away from me. However, it lasted for either 4 - 5 minutes. However I should note Kernel Task was doing it's thing and consuming less CPU than usual, it was at 200 - 250 which still isn't good at all but it use to be at 600 so I guess that's progress somewhat.

However, after those 5 minutes passed, it was breezing the rest of the day (Roughly 3 - 4 hours of usage, 2 hours of which were somewhat-heavy duty tasks.). Google Docs was also progress. This time, instead of taking down my entire system making it partial-paperweight ... only Google Docs made me want to shoot myself in the head this time as Kernel_Task was at 10 - 15 and the System was responsive except for Google Docs, which again is progress as my entire system isn't going down.

However ... I am still curious on what is causing the fans to go off and Kernel_Task to use heavy CPU usage after a boot up or wake. Very curious on it as I'm may not be so lucky being in a quiet classroom the next time I boot up I the following mornings. So yeah ... weird. :)

But updating Google Drive was a big bonus. But I just need some information or advice on those minutes after Boot / Wake. :)


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2016
suspension waiting room
Ok, its Monday and we are here! Here are some of the things I've noticed.

Last night, I put my Mac to sleep and not shut it down as suggested by this user \/

8 hours later when I opened it for class, the fans were loud, but luckily the class was loud too so it wasn't that noticable unless if you were a couple seats away from me. However, it lasted for either 4 - 5 minutes. However I should note Kernel Task was doing it's thing and consuming less CPU than usual, it was at 200 - 250 which still isn't good at all but it use to be at 600 so I guess that's progress somewhat.

However, after those 5 minutes passed, it was breezing the rest of the day (Roughly 3 - 4 hours of usage, 2 hours of which were somewhat-heavy duty tasks.). Google Docs was also progress. This time, instead of taking down my entire system making it partial-paperweight ... only Google Docs made me want to shoot myself in the head this time as Kernel_Task was at 10 - 15 and the System was responsive except for Google Docs, which again is progress as my entire system isn't going down.

However ... I am still curious on what is causing the fans to go off and Kernel_Task to use heavy CPU usage after a boot up or wake. Very curious on it as I'm may not be so lucky being in a quiet classroom the next time I boot up I the following mornings. So yeah ... weird. :)

But updating Google Drive was a big bonus. But I just need some information or advice on those minutes after Boot / Wake. :)
So issues are solved by updating the google drive app with the big exception of when waking from sleep (vs. straight boot up)? That is mostly good news. I am theorizing that it's still google drive causing the fans on wake. Anecdotes suggest that google drive is a battery drain, and therefore probably stresses the cpu/fans. Can you see if the fans kick in on wake up using google drive online and not the app? If that's the case, maybe we still need to wait for an update to the google app. Also not clear if this is still happening when booting up from off. Does fans go on immediately when you open the app? That will really narrow this down.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
So issues are solved by updating the google drive app with the big exception of when waking from sleep (vs. straight boot up)? That is mostly good news. I am theorizing that it's still google drive causing the fans on wake. Anecdotes suggest that google drive is a battery drain, and therefore probably stresses the cpu/fans. Can you see if the fans kick in on wake up using google drive online and not the app? If that's the case, maybe we still need to wait for an update to the google app. Also not clear if this is still happening when booting up from off. Does fans go on immediately when you open the app? That will really narrow this down.
The fans go on immediately from waking from sleep AND booting from off. Nothing is open, expect for the system processes. Google Drive app is set to open when I choose to open it. Fans no longer go off during Google Docs but that could change, this is based off a one day experience, we still have tomorrow and Wednesday. Of course, Google Docs or Google Drives needs Jesus when wanting to do anything productive for anymore than 5 minutes, but now that is just in the Google Drives tabs and not the entire system.

Hope this makes more clear, if it doesn't, I'll try to explain it even further. :)


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
So your machine isn't hot when you put it to sleep, but when you wake it up it spins up the fans because some kernel task is going berserk, but not as berserk as before. What programs start when you wake up your MBP? (You can check in the Activity Monitor.)


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
System Processes. I am being dead serious. System processes.

I should also mention that I don't think it's Google Docs or solely Google Docs or Drive. I was reading an iBook today in class and what happened? The fans went on loud but the system didn't go down. The fans were just loud with a fully functional system. However, what is also weird is that I was editing a movie on Final Cut Pro X, 4K video while coding something on Xcode. No fans, no halts, no anything whatsoever when the fans were suppose turn on. However, when I'm do something lightweight like Google Docs, MacRumors (yes, even MacRumors) or iBooks (those 3 things are the only things that causes fans at this point since the macOS reinstallation), the fans kick on and the system needs Jesus. However this time for iBooks, it was just the fans, not the system or Kernel_Task.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
Well, you're ruling out more and more potential software issues, making it more and more likely it's hardware (as @Weaselboy was saying earlier). Your easiest next step may be to take it to the Apple Store. They'll redo safe mode, clean install, etc, and then likely decide you need a new machine. Unless they can't replicate the problem, but it appears you're replicating it easily enough.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
Well, you're ruling out more and more potential software issues, making it more and more likely it's hardware (as @Weaselboy was saying earlier). Your easiest next step may be to take it to the Apple Store. They'll redo safe mode, clean install, etc, and then likely decide you need a new machine. Unless they can't replicate the problem, but it appears you're replicating it easily enough.
Well ... not easily. It's at random. Sometimes iBooks works fine ... sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes Google Drives works fine ... sometimes it's needs the Holy Sprit. It's completely random. Which makes it seem weirder and weirder. Apple Diagnostics says I'm all good.

I'll call them again to see what they have to say about it ... before I go to Best Buy (mine is an Authorized Apple Service Provider.) and have them check it out. Do you know if they do free checkups or if I can get a free replacement or repair if it was a defect with the machine (since the machine is only one month old.). Will it cost money. At this point ... I'm debating if I should buy Apple Care (since I'm under limited warranty), wait a couple more days and then go in for service.


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
If you can make a video of the problem while it's happening, that will help in case they can't replicate it. Show what programs are running when it happens, with the CPU usage and whatever else might help.

Your machine is totally covered by the warranty, so it won't cost anything. If you can make it to an Apple Store, that would probably be better than Best Buy, but since it's all covered, either will do. If you want your data, back up first.

You can get Apple Care anytime during your one-year warranty.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
Give up, get a replacement. This is definitely should not be happening as I don't recall similar symptoms on here. I thought it was narrowed down, but seems like it's not.
Yeah ... I think it's best if I just go to Best Buy now (I would go to an Apple Store but the nearest one is 200 + miles away.) to have them check on it. Do you have an idea on what it would cost however?


macrumors 65816
Nov 14, 2016
suspension waiting room
Yeah ... I think it's best if I just go to Best Buy now (I would go to an Apple Store but the nearest one is 200 + miles away.) to have them check on it. Do you have an idea on what it would cost however?
Cost? Are you past BB's return window? If so, I would call them and do their standard troubleshooting and document why you're sending it in. Send that thing in if you can't get to a Apple store. I know it sucks as a student, but hopefully you have access to a backup computer. Your problem is uncommon from what I've read, so it seems like hardware defect. It happens.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
If you are unable to return this unit for a new one...
Do you have an Apple Authorized Service Provider in your area?

Your issue is sporadic and may be hard to diagnose if the traditional hardware diagnostics do not reveal a definitive failure. With Best Buy, you are peeing into the wind in regards to who does the diagnostics (if they even perform them in-house?) where as with a small business that is an Apple Authorized Service Provider, you can find reviews on them and these reviews will generally correspond to the very exact technicians who will be working on your machine. If this computer has to be repaired (i.e., Apple or the Seller won't replace it), the ability to speak directly to the technician could prove valuable?
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
If you are unable to return this unit for a new one...
Do you have an Apple Authorized Service Provider in your area?

Your issue is sporadic and may be hard to diagnose if the traditional hardware diagnostics do not reveal a definitive failure. With Best Buy, you are peeing into the wind in regards to who does the diagnostics (if they even perform them in-house?) where as with a small business that is an Apple Authorized Service Provider, you can find reviews on them and these reviews will generally correspond to the very exact technicians who will be working on your machine. If this computer has to be repaired (i.e., Apple or the Seller won't replace it), the ability to speak directly to the technician could prove valuable?
My Best Buy is an Apple Authorized Service Provider for most Apple Products (hopefully for Mac). They even have authorized Apple technicians and specialists on hand around their Apple area. That is the only Authorized service nearby. The next stop is the Apple Store and that is 180 miles away from my house.

Yeah ... even multiple Apple chat specialists and phone specialists, even a Head-Supervisor recommend a trip. So at this point ... I have to take their advice ... there is nothing left I can do on my own.


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I haven't read through all the replies, but…

Have you tried creating a NEW, temporary, "test" account?
And then, log out of your old account, and into the new one?
And then, shut down?
And then, reboot?
Do you still have the same startup issues coming up to the login page?
If you log into the test account, do you still have the startup issues?


macrumors 68040
Nov 17, 2016
I haven't read through all the replies, but…

Have you tried creating a NEW, temporary, "test" account?
And then, log out of your old account, and into the new one?
And then, shut down?
And then, reboot?
Do you still have the same startup issues coming up to the login page?
If you log into the test account, do you still have the startup issues?
He tried safe mode, which should accomplish the same thing.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
I haven't read through all the replies, but…

Have you tried creating a NEW, temporary, "test" account?
And then, log out of your old account, and into the new one?
And then, shut down?
And then, reboot?
Do you still have the same startup issues coming up to the login page.
If you log into the test account, do you still have the startup issues?

I made a video showcasing the issue a bit more. Just for reference.
(I know a lot of people make a big deal about this ... so sorry for posting in portrait mode, it wasn't really meant for YouTube. :rolleyes:.) Notice how only low-usage apps are open, Kernel_Task and system delays. Also notice the time it took from when I clicked "About this Mac" in the Apple Menu and the time it took to load a simple app.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 29, 2016
Ok, so I decided to send my MacBook Pro in for a mail-in repair via Apple. Very impressed. It took 4 days I was without a computer (5 days if you count the day I started to process). Anyways, I sent it in, it was covered by my Apple Warranty.

Here is what caused the problem according the Apple: The logic board. They also replaced the top case with battery ANSI due a a power issue that is not caused by the power button (I don't know what that means, nor was I aware of that, but it is good to have that fixed for the future). They replaced both fans and the I/O board to to mechanical or cosmetic damage. Also, I'm sure they had to replace the Touch Bar too since it's tied to the logic board, right? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyways, so it was the logic board. Also a teacher of mine said that she had the same issue too due to a fried logic board and also because it wouldn't turn on (could explain the reason they replaced the Battery ANSI). She also said that she also experienced the Kernel_Task + fans issues as well before the computer died. So I guess this was caused by a defected logic board.

Anyways, that is how it went. Thanks for the help guys.

Apple Care Repair Notes.jpg
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