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macrumors 601
Jul 18, 2002
faintember said:
i got a few clicks and pops when recording an reading session (mixed instruments, mainly strings and some winds) in stereo when using the Mbox recording through Peak.
sounds like a clocking issue to me.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2005
the ruins of the Cherokee nation
^^^Maybe, but i rather think it was the limited abilities of USB. All my fans were running like mad during the recording session. Either way, my mbox is now in its original box, as my firepod has replaced it.

Now i just need to find someone to buy the mbox...


macrumors 68000
Nov 19, 2005
zimv20 said:
sounds like a clocking issue to me.

perhaps that explains why I have intermittent playback issues on iTunes with CoreAudio on mbox.... but I don't recall having that problem with Windows' Winamp on Wave/ASIO drivers.... :confused:

EDITED: problem fixed by increasing hardware buffer size....

Mr Skills

macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2005
zimv20 said:
this is quite an astounding post. i wanted to quote it all because there are more errors in there than what you got right. TDM can't handle track count? hmmm....

Glad you got in there first. Saved me pulling it apart, point by point. I particularly liked "they use the 32 bit floats (yep up to 10,000KHz resolution!)" ... Anyone who actually understands what a 32 bit float is can only say "WTF?" :D


macrumors 68020
Mar 28, 2006
The Library.
i need virtual amps (software, not hardware, hardware gives ya less bang for the buck). what DAW comes with the best virtual amp free?

im especially looking for virtual:
vox ac-30
fender bassman tweed
marshall plexi 100
fender blues twin
ashdown bass amps
ampeg SVT-5s
ibanez tube scramers
korg or line 6 delay (like edge of U2 uses)
any good vintage reverb

p.s. anyone know of freeware that can do some of in that's in VST or AU form, as i currently use cubase(no good plugins included) and garagband(which has a mediocre amp simulator)
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